Okay there's no DG with an Australian accent.... So seing as the aussies are the best (!) we need a dg to represent.
Crocodile Dundee!
He is a general, his auto attack is melee with his hunting knife.
Ability 1: He can summon crocodile minions that bite the enemy, causing minor damage, but they cause a slow 5%, 10%, 25% (more % as they level up!)
Ability2: Crocodile Dundee says, "that's not a knife, this is a knife" and throws a hunting knife at enemy. The range is the same as TB fireball. If the enemy is attacking him, the knife hits them in the face, inflicting 300,500,700,1000 damage, plus 20% slow their attack speed. If the enemy is running away from him, they get 1/2 the damage, BUT their movement speed reduced 5%....
Ability 3: Tame the Bull. Croc Dundee does his ridgy didge bull taming, causing the enemy DG to fall to sleep on the spot for 3,5,7,10 seconds (depending on level) Similar effect to Frost nova, but cannot affect towers or minions.
Ability 4: Bush Tucka. Crock Dundee uses his bushman skills to take a slice out of his victim and eat up! This will life drain the enemy for 250,400,600 health.
Now, the Australians need a legendary Aussie to represent us! So you would NEED to get Paul Hogan to do the voice overs too.