Asteroid Belt (all sizes) (DirtySanchez): The asteroid-heavy inner area of the Asteroid Belt maps is superb for gameplay, leading to desperate planet grabs and bypasses. The layout leads to exceptional lateral mobility. However, all of the asteriod belt maps suffer from a dearth of a neutrals.
Double-Edge (DesConnor): A solid 1v1 map with four different approaches. There are few contested planets in the middle of this map, and little room for lateral movement. QS issues.
Golden Veil (DesConnor): Although one has to question the value of the isolated desert, this map otherwise has a solid premise with two easily contested asteroids and hard chokes. It's a bit low on colonizable planets for its large size. Like Double-Edge, there is little room for lateral movement.
Cyclone (DesConnor): Few contestable planets (none of which have strategic value), hard chokes, and an isolated rear-area that has back doors? Definitely a high-stakes map which could come down to a single gambit. This map has some room for lateral movement in the front, but none in the rear.
Preoccupation (DesConnor): The broken record drones on: few contestable planets of non-critical strategic importance, but this time some good option for lateral mobility. Very low on colonizables for the number of players.
Schismatism (DesConnor): This map is extremely low on colonizables, and with only average neutrals it's going to be very tight on budgets and resources. This map has a lot of lateral mobility, and its extremely low planet level may mean it all comes down to who captures those central planets.
The Coronet (new version) (DesConnor): This map has good lateral mobility in the central system, but the outer systems lack it and also suffer from a strong level of isolation.
Cast All The Dice (DesConnor): An odd map; some spots begin without asteroids, and a lack of team indexing could create problems with regards to disadvantaged starts. Definitely has a considerable amount of lateral mobility and contested planets, turning this into a very deadly rush map.
Deus Ex Machina (DesConnor): The massive amount of isolation on this map makes it incredibly unorthodox. Combined with its low number of colonizables, this map could easily fall to whichever team manages to knock out a single enemy first, since it's completely impossible to send any material support.
Duke Walk (DesConnor): I'm starting to sound like a broken record again: low number of colonizables given the size of the map, along with minimal lateral mobility and few contestable planets.
Falconry (DesConnor): Virtually every planet is contestable on this map, and combined with virtually no lateral mobility this map may as well be named "deathmatch". Very high stakes, very high risk, no room to maneuver with all-or-nothing fights.
Gateway to Paradise 3v3 (DirtySanchez): Characterized by a shared back-end defended by a hard choke protecting it and massive of resources in the central contestable area, this map is all about the fight for the middle. It has low lateral mobility, has lots of neutrals that are only accessible to Vasari early on, and several critical chokes.
Odds and Ends (DesConnor): A vicious multistar, there is a distinct inequality in terms of strategic and economic starts for different players. This map is very open, and all comes down to the early-game 2v1 that player 2 and 3 will be taking. Most players have very limited pickings in terms of colonizable planets, giving them little late-game potential unless they defeat these players.
Ring of Risk (1/2) 3v3 (Dirty Sanchez): This map is similar to gateway to paradise, with a shared back-end and some hard chokes blocking it off. The central area has some lateral mobility, but the "wings" of the map have none, and controlling them (along with the killer trade route they entail...) is clearly the key to victory.
Sun of the Joneses (DesConnor): Another map with zero lateral mobility, with two enemies directly in your face, this map has direct bloodbath spelled all over it.
Diamond (all versions) (DirtySanchez): Bristling with game-changing choke points and good lateral mobility near the middle of the map, and a heavy focus on grabbing some key contested planets early, this is a pretty vicious map for its size.
Red Crush 5v5 (1/2) (DirtySanchez): "Red Crush" iapparently another term for highly contested game-winning choke points. Reasonable lateral mobility given the hard chokes, though.
5v5Imperium (EadTaes): Awe inspiring map. Very heavy on the randomness, but a masterpiece regardless. A perfect balance of choke points and alternate approaches that give a great deal of lateral mobility, and a massive central region that could determine the outcome of the game.