If you've been in the normal forums, you've likely seen me, but I decided to come here for once... As some of you will know, I am a technically oriented person who is fascinated by psychology.
As such, for my science fair project, I am testing the effect of emotion on subjects while performing tasks critical to life. However, I have been having difficulty figuring out what exactly to use to evoke the desired emotion. Thus far, the best thing I can come up with is using movies. If someone has a better idea, please tell me. If not, give examples of movies that display the following emotions (I have a few movies written down already)...
Sadness: A walk to remember, the Notebook
Anger: I got nothing...
Hyper/Adrenaline: Braveheart/spy movie/other similar "man-flick"
Happiness: Pursuit of Happiness/need a good comedy... And I'm vetoing Napoleon Dynamite before anyone says it...
Love: Fireproof/need something that makes the subjects feel warm and fuzzy...
Fear/Anxiety: no idea... No scream/gore fests please, as some of the subjects may be hemophobic...
Frustration: some movie with an incredibly annoying character...
Disappointment/Depression: some something that won't evoke tears, but is still incredibly depressing
General rules for movie suggestions:
1. Nothing R rated. I have a friend who has the equipment to censor them for the sake of the subjects, but I don't feel like having him do that. It wastes time and rules out many potential subjects.
2. Nothing incredibly gorey. Someone can get shot, but I don't want a movie where someone gets cut in half by a chainsaw...
3. Nothing that curses every other word.
So, yep... Ideas are welcome. I may not end up using all these emotions in the final project, but I want to see what people can come up with...