Hey everyone its that time again, lets compile some data!
This is a post that I will update regularly to give the DEVS a better idea of what people think should be done to stats in the next patch. This is ONLY for patches, no new ships or elaborate concepts for the next expansion. This is for dealing with peoples’ concerns about balance. If there’s a balance idea you have that’s not on here, post it and I’ll put it up for voting if it seems valid. I love the fact that ICO pays attention to the forums and what people suggest, I’d like to make it easier for them. The idea is to have all ideas posted straight forward and ranked so the DEVS don’t have to sift through pages and pages to find popular ideas. SP and MP players are both welcome to comment. Post yay or nay for any idea you like or dislike (be specific please) or say no fix needed. If you’d like I’ll also insert specific values you may come up with. Some votes will be taken from other threads.
Since the last patches release, the main complaint I've seen on the forums are in the form of bugs, so I'm compiling a list of the known ones, and will update the list as more are discovered. Some of the early bugs were fixed in the hotfix, and perhaps (fingers crossed) the Devs will release another hotfix to address the rest, rather than a whole new patch. So here it goes:
- Nano Weapons Jammer autocast AI casts continuously
- AM Recharger autocast AI casts continuously
- Illuminator causes mystery damage between shots
- Phasic Trap research Level 2 still has no effect.
- Orkulus Phase Stabilizer does not work on stars.
- Random Map Bugs:
- Single Phase lane starts
- No connected Asteroids
- Overlapping Gravity Wells
- Backwards Dunov Icon
- Pathing Improvements (specifically dealing with stationary obstacles)
- Orkulus commands cancelled when trade ships dock
- No wave cannon sounds on Kortul
- Resource extractors on HWs produce income before they're constructed.
- Siege Militia/pirates run from turrets before construction is complete (exploit).
This will be a large section that will continue to evolve through out the life of this thread so check back often for new topics. Consensus seems to think now that carrier caps have all been buffed, many of the other caps need to be brought up to par with them.
Buff Battleship Class(Kol/Radiance/Kortul)
Increase hp/shields/armor?-
Yay- Volt_Cruelerz(20-25%) Darvin3 Deceiver_0
CallenExile MindsEye Swordsalmon
Hrabandur CrazyElectron Ryat
Arthanis Warlord Mike Onigiri
Increase DPS?-
Yay- Volt_Cruelerz(20-25%) Darvin3 Deceiver_0
MindsEye Swordsalmon CallenExile
Hrabandur CrazyElectron Ryat
Arthanis Warlord Mike
Nay- Onigiri
Buff Gauss Rail Gun?-
Yay- Volt_Cruelerz(800/1200/1600) Darvin3 Deceiver_0
CallenExile MindsEye Swordsalmon
CrazyElectron Ryat Arthanis
Warlord Mike
Nay- Hrabandur Onigiri
Re-work Animosity?
Yay- Volt_Cruelerz Darvin3 Deceiver_0
MindsEye Swordsalmon Ryat
Arthanis Warlord Mike
Nay- CallenExile Hrabandur Onigiri
No Change needed- CoBBQ
Colonizer Caps(Akkan/Progenitor/Jarrasul)
Buff Jarrasul Evacuator's colonize?
Yay- Darvin3 Volt_Cruelerz Deceiver_0
Swordsalmon Agent of Kharma Hrabandur
Ryat Arthanis Warlord Mike
Nay- CallenExile MindsEye
No Change needed-
Carrier Class Caps(Sova/Halcyon/Skirantra)
Buff Scramble Bombers?
Yay- Darvin3 Volt_Cruelerz Deceiver_0
MindsEye Swordsalmon Agent of Kharma
Hrabandur Ryat Arthanis
Warlord Mike
Nay- CallenExile Onigiri
Buff Replicate Forces?
Yay- Arthanis Warlord Mike Onigiri
No Change needed-
Buff Support Class Caps(Dunov/Antorak/Rapture/Revelation)
Increase AM regen?
Yay- Darvin3 Hrabandur CrazyElectron
Ryat Juletron Arthanis
Warlord Mike Swordsalmon
Nay- CallenExile Mindseye Onigiri
Increase maximum AM?
Yay- CallenExile Darvin3 Hrabandur
Mindseye Volt_Cruelerz CrazyElectron
Juletron Arthanis Warlord Mike
Nay- Ryat Swordsalmon Onigiri
Increase Dunov EMP range?
Yay- CallenExile Mindseye Volt_Cruelerz
CrazyElectron Ryat Juletron
Arthanis Warlord Mike Swordsalmon
Nay- Hrabandur Onigiri
Allow Dunov shield restore to be self targetable?
Yay- Mindseye CrazyElectron Juletron
Arthanis Deceiver_0
Nay- Ryat Volt_Cruelerz Warlord Mike
Swordsalmon Onigiri
Allow Antoraks subversion to effect SC?
Yay- Mindseye Juletron Volt_Cruelerz
Arthanis Warlord Mike Onigiri
Nay- Ryat Swordsalmon
Buff Phase out hull?
Yay- Mindseye Juletron Volt_Cruelerz
Arthanis Warlord Mike Swordsalmon
Nay- Ryat Onigiri
No Change Needed-
Without a doubt the weakest of the superweapons, there is little point in seeking it. For too long its been sitting in a dusty box on the shelf, to weak to be worth its tremendous costs. Lets consider some buffs to at least make it functional as a weapon. The one buff thats been suggested that I like is an instant allegiance drop, which will aid Advent in cultural takeovers of border planets and with enough, could possibly overthrow an enemy planet (though Id say it should require many more than the fearsome novalith)
Buff Deliverance engine-
Cause an instant decrease in allegiance?
Yay- Deceiver_0 Kitkun Greyfox2
anteachtaire Mow Mow Warlord Mike
Hrabandur Arthanis
Nay- Howdidudothat
No buff needed- Qu4r Darvin3 CallenExile
As I feel that the devs decision to put "Phase Jumping" ships at the top of the tree was purposeful and not a bug, I think most of us agree that the constant movement it creates (especially with phase monitoring!) makes the empire tree difficult to use. Move it to the bottom?
Adjust Empire Tree-
Move "Phase Jumping Ships" to the bottom of the tree?
Yay- Deceiver_0 Darvin3 SwordSalmon
JSW_Ballz Mindseye Agent of Kharma
Ryat 52500 Mow Mow
Fuzzy Logic EadTaes Warlord Mike
Hrabandur Howdidudothat -Ue_Carbon
Chaotic Magician Arthanis
Nay- CallenExile
Some are unsatisfied with fighters with regards to surviving flak. I urge everyone to read the points of debate between Mindseye and myself starting on page 10-11, to get a better understanding of why fighters should or should not be adjusted. Below are a few suggestions
Buff Fighters-
Increase armor/hp?
Yay- Mindseye Mow Mow Greyfox2
Qu4r Arthanis
Nay- Deceiver_0 Darvin3 Ryat
Top Vasari Warlord Mike EadTaes
Hrabandur Howdidudothat -Ue_Carbon
Chaotic Magician Agent of Kharma CallenExile
Raging Amish has proposed some modest changes to maps that I think we could possibly have implemented with enough support, so lets get a vote to see what people think of them. Magnetic clouds are huge wastes of space as their is nothing terribly beneficial about them. People with ability heavy fleets and caps would opt to fight you somewhere else (and can do so without much penalty). They make awful chokepoints because you can't put starbases or mines there, and they offer no economic value. I'd like to hear some ideas on how to improve them (beyond removing them completely from the game as RA has suggested). If we can come up with some good ones I'll put them up for a vote. In the meantime, I think one should at least be able to construct Starbases here, so I'll put that up as a topic. Also, all too often we see Ice and Volcanic planets (which require research to colonize) offering you only 2 resource mines for the trouble of colonizing them. Personally I don't think that PLANETS should have less resources to offer than an asteroid. What do you think?
Magnetic Clouds-
Allow starbase deployment?
Yay- Deceiver_0 Darvin3 Hrabandur
Juletron Howdidudothat Warlord Mike
DirtySanchezz Kitkun Qu4r
Nay- Ryat CallenExile EadTaes
DesConnor -Ue_Carbon Chaotic Magician
Ice/Volcanic planets-
Change minimum mines to 3 (currently 2)?
Yay- Deceiver_0 Swordsalmon Ryat
Darvin3 Juletron Mindseye
Mow Mow EadTaes JSW_Ballz
Howdidudothat Warlord Mike Kitkun
Ovi_187 -Ue_Carbon Chaotic Magician
Nay- CallenExile DesConnor DirtySanchezz
Hrabandur Agent of Kharma Qu4r
No Changes needed-
This topic is going to be heavy on the debate, and will likely be updated several times with NEW votable options throughout the life of this thread. Now, I think it's safe to say that we're beyond the point of the DEVS making a Vasari Assault cruiser and making the Orky stationary. So if thats what you think should happen thats fine, but it would be more useful for everyone if you hada second opinion on the Orky and voted on the issues below.
Nerf Orkulus-
Increase build penalty in hostile wells? (currently 2.25x unupgraded)
Yay- Greyfox2 Raging Amish(3x) Mindseye
Nay- Deceiver_0 Cykur Howdidudothat
Top Vasari Swordsalmon Ryat
anteachtaire LordMechanoid JSW_Ballz
Warlord Mike Agent of Kharma DesConnor
DirtySanchezz Kitkun Qu4r
52500 Hrabandur -Ue_Carbon
Chaotic Magician Qu4r CallenExile
SB constructors trigger phase monitoring alarm? ("Hostile forces are inbound")
Yay- Mindseye Deceiver_0 Howdidudothat
Top Vasari Cykur LordMechanoid
Warlord Mike DirtySanchezz Kitkun
52500 Hrabandur -Ue_Carbon
Chaotic Magician CallenExile CrazyElectron
Nay- JSW_Ballz DesConnor Qu4r
A hotly debated topic right now on the forums, none can deny their increased presence on the MP battlefield. As the cheapest buildable unit in the game, as well as being tier 0, its utility against long ranged frigates has been thoroughly exploited. The question remains, is it balanced? This topic will be split into two sections, a general section for a blanket nerf and a more specific section for interspecies balance. The reason for this is that some think scouts need to be weaker in general, whike other think they need to be balanced on par wtih TEC scouts.
Nerf Scouts-
Decrease hp/shields?
Nay- DirtySanchezz Cykur Arthanis
Decrease DPS?
Yay- DirtySanchezz Greyfox2 Mindseye
Nay- Cykur
Increase Cost/supply?
Yay- Mindseye Cykur Swordsalmon
Nay- DirtySanchezz Arthanis
No Nerf Needed- Deceiver_0 Wingflier Howdidudothat
Darvin3 Ryat CallenExile
Chaotic Magician Agent of Kharma Sivcorp
52500 JSW_Ballz LordMechanoid
Kitkun Hrabandur -Ue_Carbon
Qu4r CrazyElectron
Balance Scouts-
Decrease Seeker Vessels Hp/shields/armor?
Yay- Deceiver_0 Wingflier Mow Mow
Swordsalmon Darvin3 Ryat
Greyfox2 52500 JSW_Ballz
Cykur Top Vasari LordMechanoid
Kitkun Hrabandur -Ue_Carbon
Qu4r CrazyElectron Arthanis
Nay- DirtySanchezz Howdidudothat CallenExile
Decrease Seeker Vessels DPS?
Yay- Swordsalmon DirtySanchezz Howdidudothat
Greyfox2 Hrabandur Qu4r
Nay- Wingflier Darvin3 Ryat
CallenExile 52500 JSW_Ballz
Cykur LordMechanoid Kitkun
-Ue_Carbon CrazyElectron Arthanis
Decrease Jikara Navigator cost/supply?
Yay- Deceiver_0 Wingflier Howdidudothat
CallenExile 52500 LordMechanoid
Hrabandur Qu4r
Nay- Swordsalmon DirtySanchezz Darvin3
Ryat Chaotic Magician JSW_Ballz
Cykur Greyfox2 Kitkun
-Ue_Carbon CrazyElectron Arthanis
Increase Jikara Navigator DPS?
Yay- Mow Mow Swordsalmon Howdidudothat
Ryat Chaotic Magician 52500
JSW_Ballz Hrabandur -Ue_Carbon
Qu4r CrazyElectron Arthanis
Nay- Wingflier DirtySanchezz Darvin3
CallenExile Cykur Greyfox2
LordMechanoid Kitkun
Increase Jikara Navigator hp/shields?
Yay- Mow Mow Darvin3 Ryat
Chaotic Magician Sivcorp Top Vasari
Kitkun Hrabandur -Ue_Carbon
Qu4r CrazyElectron Arthanis
Nay- CallenExile JSW_Ballz Cykur
No Balance Needed- Agent of Kharma EadTaes DesConnor
While the most expensive light frigate in both resources and supply, these ships have the worst DPS per supply. With the recent buff to all light frigs, Cobalts and Disciples are now delivering on the tasks they're meant to, yet skirmishers are still struggling. So what should be done?
Buff Skirmishers-
Increase DPS?
Yay- Deceiver_0 Darvin3 52500
Cykur Chaotic Magician Top Vasari
Howdidudothat Wingflier Swordsalmon
Juletron Ryat Sivcorp
DirtySanchezz GreyFox2 Raging Amish
CallenExile Mindseye JSW_Ballz
Warlord Mike lbgsloan Mow Mow
EadTaes DesConnor Kitkun
Agent of Kharma Hrabandur -Ue_Carbon
Qu4r CrazyElectron Arthanis
Nay- LordMechanoid
Decrease Supply cost?
Yay- Raging Amish LordMechanoid Hrabandur
Nay- Deceiver_0 Darvin3 52500
Cykur Chaotic Magician Top Vasari
Howdidudothat Wingflier Swordsalmon
Juletron Ryat CallenExile
Mindseye JSW_Ballz Warlord Mike
lbgsloan Mow Mow Kitkun
-Ue_Carbon CrazyElectron Arthanis
Decrease Resource cost?
Yay- 52500 Warlord Mike
Nay- Darvin3 Cykur Chaotic Magician
Top Vasari Howdidudothat Wingflier
Swordsalmon Juletron Ryat
DirtySanchezz Raging Amish CallenExile
Mindseye JSW_Ballz LordMechanoid
lbgsloan Kitkun Hrabandur
-Ue_Carbon Qu4r Arthanis
Adjust Reintegration autocast AI to activate earlier?
Yay- Deceiver_0 Darvin3 52500
Chaotic Magician Top Vasari Howdidudothat
Wingflier Swordsalmon Juletron
Ryat Sivcorp Runesia
DirtySanchezz GreyFox2 Raging Amish
CallenExile Mindseye JSW_Ballz
Warlord Mike lbgsloan Mow Mow
EadTaes Kitkun Agent of Kharma
Hrabandur -Ue_Carbon Qu4r
CrazyElectron Arthanis
Nay- LordMechanoid
No Change Needed-