Regarding this thread post 105
Most certainly contradictory.
This post is not intended to cause divison but to serve only as an example and to segway into what I personally believe is an important discussion as we look forward to the new WC2k site.
Perhaps I'll get flamed, blamed, insulted, I hope not, I hope that you all can see my points and discuss this like adults.
IMO.. anyone should be able to say what they like in any skin submission, Anyone with half a brain and a bit of common sense can tell a whether they like a skin or not from its representative screenshot. If someone wants to say my skin looks like some MS default skin, knock yourself out, but PLEASE don't tell the rest of us, any of us that what was good for goose the isn't good for the gander.
No one should have any right to say they cannot or that if they leave a negative comment that it must be accompanied by qualified critique. The best critique I ever got was 'this skin sucks" and other pretty similar vicious remarks.
We either have the right to free speech here.. or we don't.
Question - How is it that someone (WC Mod) can say that a person who has not purchased and used a skin has no business commenting on it, then proceed to accuse people of being destructive or doing it to sound big, when they did exactly the same thing just a few days earlier.
Strikes me as biased at the very least. It is also not the first time it has happened, I could list quite a few more of these types of comments in my threads but I wont. It really is an aside from my broader point but something that I didn't appreciate nonetheless.
Basically, to stifle any kind of commenting on skins is just plain wrong, to allow only positive comments leads to nothing but "Looks Great!" type comments. When this happens, I do believe skinners might think.. Everyone says I'm great.. so i must be!
Imo, this just fosters apathy and contentment that can lead to a skinner not being motivated to push themselves any harder than they have to.
I believe the entire WC community is \ has been a victim of this type of mentality and I for one would like to see it move towards more realistic feedback in the galleries and forums.
I think there should be an option on the new site that give the skinner an option to choose to receive 'Advanced Critque'. This option would show they are willing to take the hard knocks and the tough love that some of us have learned to appreciate in our path to being more technically competent skinners and artists. Those who only want candy coated, mushy, look at me comments... can choose to not accept the option.
Of course anyone would be able to say what is on their mind regardless of which option the submitting artist chose but just having the submissions labeled as 'Willing to receive advanced critique' will show who is willing to receive the harsh, more in depth and indeed.. negative.. stuff as well as the more common ego boosting comments.. This policy was implemented on DA and I believe is a very good idea.
We shouldn't have to fear stating our honest opinion or be accused of trying to feel big or put out someones candle for doing so.
Lastly, if bad\negative opinions are not allowed or 'discouraged' on a skin that has not been purchased yet, then why in the heck are postive ones allowed and\or without corresponding critique? The entire premise is flawed.
Doesn't make any sense to me and telling us all that it should be the rule of thumb.. again... IMO is just plain wrong.
I would like to think this discussion could be civil and debated sensibly.