Hey, I just realized most people is already using this mod and that you can use it in mod-free online games. Well, I'm not using it yet, and although I see how useful it can be i don't really think this should be standardized IMHO.
I mean, yes this a team game, but you still play as a single Demigod, why should you be able to "magically" see instantly what your fellow demigods gear and Mana amount is? That's what communication-team chat/speak is for after all, isn't it?
I somehow feel this kind of mod is discouraging good team communication, and that players without this mod are in a very serious disadvantage. If you can play with these mods enabled without your opponents knowing, what will be next, knowing THEIR GEAR and MANA too?
I really hate being the devil's advocate here but i feel this trend of mods is creating an uneven playing field.
Being able to see an ally's mana and health remaining all the time is as magical as being able to ask him/her about them through team chat. The mod simply takes over this tedious need to constantly poll your team mates or your team mates constantly crying "oom".
I see it as the difference between showing a person a map versus describing the directions to him/her verbally. Both achieves the same results, but the former is simply much more efficient.
Regarding your comments about an "uneven playing field", firstly, everyone can use this mod. Also, I am confident that you can get more people to agree that such a mod should have been part of the game in the first place, than people to agree that this should remain optional.
As mentioned before me, the team communication should be about coordinating tactics and not as a work around for being denied vital team information by the UI.