since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for C is for Cookie. That's good enuf for me.
Jayver follows haytch. Where'd you go to school?
Banned! Illogical use of fayver.
Banned for expecting logic in this seething mess of forum chaos.
Banned because at least we have a seething mass.
Banned for expecting logic is illogical.
banned for ludicrous speed
Banned for lethargy in a forum that waiteth for no man... or woman.
Banned for not realizing that while the forum waits not for man or woman, pony-kind can bring it to a grinding halt. We just love this place too much to do so.
Banned for grinding on the forum.
Banned for Bump and grind.
Banned for your grinding off bumps.
The Admiral
Banned for my robot army is perfect. But, they are nuts and bolts....
Banned for perfection is impossible.
Banned for never seeing perfection before. My robots are flawless.
banned for flawless is possible, perfection is an ideal that is never truly reached
We are constantly evolving. That is true. Banned for reaching for truth.
banned for not realizing that the only truth is 42
Banned for not knowing truth is really 24 and quickly evaporating into not much.
banned because the truth is in the eye of the beholder (The problem is finding out witch one and how to get it)
Banned for making me bring my pruning shears.
banned for reminding me of the work I have to do tomorrow morning
Banned because my physics teacher said something funny yesterday: "As long as you don;t think about it for very long, it's better to assume that the Earth is just flat".
Banned for a high-level teacher encouraging you to think like the ancients.
Banned for trying to get people to reguress back to before the seventeenth centrury?
I ban my self for not typing faster then Sir Red
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