since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for whining about his wiener.
Banned for wine and hotdogs make a picnic. Nom?
{Biggest IKEA in Canada is opening in our fair city soon. }
Darghhhh! Ye landlubbers all be BANNED for not talking like pirates on National Talk Like a Pirate Day.... dargh!
ARRRRRRGH! How's that.
Banned 'cause that the way it am. lol
banned for jumping on the NTLPD bandwagon
Banned for banning the wagon.
banned with a FALCON PUNCH!
All banned for not realizing there are pirate who talk normal all day. They just traded their ships and swords for the internet.
-Twi /)
Banned for flying off the handle.
Banned for assuming there was a handle.
banned for getting a handle on it
Banned for being hands on.
Banned for the 8391st time.
banned for making the time
Banned for time and time again.
banned from time indefinite to time indefinite
Banned for infinity and beyond.
Banned for “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.” ― Groucho Marx
Self-banned because I could only bring myself to stay away from the forums for a day.
Someone is banned because I can't reach the Minecraft site, but just get redirected to a search by my internet provider, even when I click on a link to the site
Banned for the early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse get's the cheese. winja
Banned because I don't get it.....
That's actually quite clever...
Dammit, Jafo... banned for jumping the queue and not banning whilst having ample opportunity.
Banned for whining about your non-existent sex life.... get handy instead.
banned for the pages have gone wild
Banned for....actually, anti-banned for that.
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