since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for questioning a mod/nonmod
Banned for blindly following a possible mod.
A real live mod? Ooooh,how interesting...
Banned for not banning on the mod.
Banning Uvah. Not mod.
Banned for. Sentence Fragments.
banned by the fragments of my mind
Banned for having a fragmented mind.
banned for the mi- oh squirrels
Banned for being squirelly.
banned by the makers of Rumplemintz
Banned for ruffling feathers.
Banned for four winged dinos
Banned for a whole planet of winged dinos.
Banned for not inviting us to the BBQ.
banned for no honey barbeque
Banned for bringing Shrimp to a Barbie.
Banned for barbecuing winged dinos.
banned for not seeing the high quality of meat
High quality ban.
Banned for Fred and Barney use therm for toothpicks, as I do with our Terradactyl mosquitoes.
banned for Derf and friends
Banned for derpy friends.
banned by the slam man
Banned for he already has a nickname.
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