since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for... what nickname?
Banned for not knowing your own nickname Admiral Revan,of course.
banned for nicking his name
Banned for not realizing it was the IPhone.
banned for blaming Apple
Banned for calling me Admiral Raven.
banned for raving on about it
Banned for not letting him rave when he wantts to. Your not his Dad.....
Banned for Zubish!
banned for saying a sci fi movie is good
Banned for being anti-sci-fi in a forum community bound to be full of sci-fi fans.
Such as myself. *cracks knuckles*
banned for being a fanatic
Such mindless devotion is typical of weak minded individuals.
Banned for indeed. Sci fi rocks enormously. Transformers for example.... Cuz robots and aliens are cool.
Banned for the devotion is not mindless.
banned because I was clarifying what form of devotion you are showing
Banned for trying to clarify things in a ban game.
Banned for fashion is passion. Might as well be walkin on the sun. -smashing pumkins-
banned for not getting the band right
Then again you might have done that on purpose.
Banned for banding together.
Banned for birds of a feather.
Banned for feathering birds.
Banned for birds are in all my festive occasionS. Dressed or not.
Banned for flipping the bird.
Banned for bird flipping on a Monday.
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