since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for not getting involved with the one-or-two debate
That and it hurts to laugh. Damn muscle strain.
Banned for poor Ryat, he was running, and running and running and now it hurts. Com'ere, I know some nice massage teckniques. Nom?
banned because it had nothing to do with running
It is a lower abdomenal muscle strain. Got it from jumping wrong.
banned for going to the bed
Banned for suure. hehe. But no fear, I would start with a warm coconut oil. (I luv coconut.) Then start from your toes and slowly work my way to the injured area. oops, gotta go.
Banned for trying to massage a gas cloud.
Banned for not seeding it first.
banned by the seed culture of amsterdam
Banned for that reminds me,my weeds are doing really well. I took a picture, even the pic didn't come out.... oh my
Someone else is living there now.
Banned for sapient weeds.
banned for telling everyone the truth
Banned for truer than average
banned by the average joe
Banned for being joe
Banned by JoAnna. (not) Hope your feeling better the Ryat.
And I am not afeared of failure. I have enough positives to balance it out. I bought the seeds in a second hand store.... I didn't know seeds could expire. sheesh
banned for not freezing your seeds
Banned for telling me now. hehe Nah, who knows how old they were. And I could say the same for you. (giggle)
Banned for parenthetical giggles
banned for giggling out loud
Banned for laughter.
There will be none of that here mister.
Banned for laughter is the best medicine. That's what Reader's Digest says anywho...
Banned for something I have yet to think on. So there!
Banned for thinking on a pile of Reader's Digests. That sounds unsafe.
banned for not understanding how properly stack paper can be a very firm foundation
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