since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned for wanting to look funny
Banned for I don't want to look funny,,,, the avatar, funny avatar... Lucky your cute.
Banned for using commas incorrectly, and for the incorrect usage of "your."
I didn't feel like thinking of something new and clever.
Banned for you're avatar is not cute or funny. Not new for youZ.
Banned for thinking I try to be cute or funny.
I know my limits, unlike someone else I am not going to mention. *COUGH*
banned for having limits
What kind of Sith are you to have limits.
Banned for calling me Sith.
And Sith do have limits, as far as being cute and funny goes.
banned because if you aren't Jedi you are Sith
Banned for attempting to see the world through such a simple point of view.
Banned by logistics.
banned by UPS Logistics
Banned for not having enough logistic slots for all the trade ports.
Banned for limits are for wuss's.
I like that.
banned for liking that
Banned for not blaming my Scorpio nature.
banned for blaming giant balls of gas trillions of miles away on your nature
Especially considering the fact that the chart you are referring to is out of date. IIRC the star patterns are shifted by a month and a half. Give or take a day.
Banned for thinking I would change my sign for IIRC. :/
banned for not knowing your acronyms
Banned for even thinking I'm a capricorn. What does that eat in the winter?
banned for even caring about what stars trillions of miles away mean to your every day life
Banned for we decide ourselves what is important to us. Truly, that isn't one of them.
banned for deciding
Banned for the echo is to strong, aaaah TGIF
banned for making me work on Friday
Banned for more cashola... can't go wrong.
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