since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Quoting AdmiralRevan, reply 14996banned because someone confusing bandwidth with server space offends the part of me that took cisco classes for two years
Banned for not knowing I'm actually CCNA and CCNP certified.
Banned for capital whatchamacallits.
banned for not knowing that capitalized letters mean something
For example. I am trained in the arts of UPS.
I'm trained in the art of TTATOT. So there....ha.
banned for not banning... Ha.
banned for Ha
banned for utilizing numbering systems in an obscure manner.
Banned for unreadable username.
banned for not being able to read the name
Banned for being able to read it, guess I'll have to change it.
Banned for cha ching.
banned for spacing the ching
Banned for the airlock got stuck.
banned for not opening the window
Banned for suggesting that his window is the issue. You'll probably let all the air out.
banned for needing an air enviroment
Banned for keeping it light and airy.
banned for driving with your eyes closed
banned with my eyes open
Banned for bow wow power.
banned for holy crap my ban was clutch
thats 2 seconds right there
Banned for second of two.
Banned in a little less than two hours.
Wow, my forum time is not synched to my real time...
Banned for syncing in real time...after the fact.
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