since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned factually
you, as a matter of fact, are banned
I, as a matter of...............
Banned for upsetting the status quo.
banned for quo'ing statuses
your new status: banned
banned because i have yet to make a status update on facebook
banned for facebooking
Don't you know that facebook is dangerous with its permissions that are required?! Dun Dun DUNNN!
banned for dun dun DUNNN-ing all over the place
banned for placing it
Banned for dunning in place.
Banned for been there dun that.
Banned for not doing it in triplicate.
banned for young triplets
Banned 'cause the quints have it.
banned for expanding the ban point
banned for pointing the ban
banned for screaming children
banned for making them scream with your cloudy black magic
Banned for smoke and mirror entertainment.
banned for mirroring me sentaments
Banned because it's Monday!
banned because Tuesday will be worse
(Two tooth extractions. Ugh)
Banned for terrible Tues. It doesn't hurt what with the needles, but it's the trauma... Be brave.
banned for its the numbness that I can't stand
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