since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
Banned for thinking that you will avoid Hell because you have no sole for the Devil to take.... and go put some shoes on cos most establishments these days will refuse admittance if you're soul-less.
banned for looking for a sole to steal because you sold yours
Banned for accusing me of being a ruthless shoe saleman who's had a devil of a time hiding the hole in his shoe that keeps letting in water.... letting in water.
So who sang that... Hole in My Shoe?
banned for being without ruth
Banned for being with Ruth when she robbed the bank before taking off with a wad of cash and a teller she thought was cute.
BTW, it was Steve Winwood and Traffic - 'Hole in My Shoe'
banned for crazy trivia
Banned for too big an interest in the trivia and not on the task at hand: responding to my ban.
banned for wanting a response
Banned for it's not what I want... it's the purpose of the game.
Also banned for thinking that you can read my mind.
Banned for knowing how to read.
Banned for reading between the lines and learning eff all cos there's eff all there, just spaces.
banned for < lots of space.
Banned for spacing large lots between bans to take up more space.
Today I became a moderator. So how do I play this again?
banned for not knowing how to play
Banned for playing with yourself so much .... like a lot before joining us here
banned for trying to join
Banned 'cause you didn't ban in time to ban the other ban that banned your ban by Ban.
*runs away very fast lol*
Banned for running away when a gentle trot in ballet shoes would have sufficed.
banned for letting the greatest comic book writer die
Bann3d for implicating me in shit I knew nothing about 'til the news broke over the internet.
Banned for skinny dipping with Charlie Brown and company in the pumpkin patch.
Banned for being with Charlie Brown with his pants down in said pumpkin patch.
banned for not having good grief
Banned for there's no such thing as good grief.
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