since the other thread is breaking a lot time to start a new thread to keep going.
i will start by banning everyone who bans here lol
banned cheaply by the side of the road
Banned for selling roadside roadkill cheaply.
banned for doing all the work
Banned for including roadkill on the menu if it's less than a week old.
Banned for not sopping up the leftovers. A shovel will pick up only so much.
Banned for leaving the roadkill on the side of your plate.... hospital food ain't that bad, you know.
Banned 'cause I get to choose my road kill. BBQ pork sandawich and pasta salad for lunch and roast beast for din din. So there.
banned for mock banning
Banned for bock manning.
Manned bor fock banning.
banned for mixing metaphors
Banned for neglecting to mention that Uvah's roast beast for din din was actually a run over coyote.
Banned 'cause you forgot the catch up.
Banned for banning someone.
Banned for ignoring the other stuff. Like the other stuff up top. Ya know...over to there ^^^
banned for attempted misdirection
Banned for becoming hopelessly lost after following said misdirection to the ends of the Earth but only getting halfway after running out of pedal power.
Banned for complicating the ban man.
Banned for complicating the confusion that befuddled the ban man with what ifs, maybes and why fors
Banned for complicating complications.
Banned for trying to unsuccessfully uncomplicate the complications, thus adding to the confusion for the confused and those who never had a grip on it anyhow.
Banned for self analysis.
banned for not letting people think for them selves
Banned for failing to see that some people lack the capacity.
Banned for thinking takes thinking about thinking first to think about thinking what you're thinking about thinking about.
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