NO ONE out-trolls me!
One of the things that I really enjoy doing is posting Stardock’s dirty laundry. This is the kind of thing that only a private company can really do.
I don’t really look at it as “bashing” Stardock when I post critics and admissions to the imperfections of our products. Rather, I look at it as a type of transparency. It lets people know that we see a problem and are aware of it.
Of course, the downside is that you occasionally get haters who see our admissions of foolishness, stupidity, weakness, and general imperfections as opportunities to smear either me personally or Stardock in general.
I lurk on more sites than I care to mention. And so I’ll read some post that paints me or Stardock out as “the devil” but those people don’t usually realize that the reason they know this “evil” is because we freely divulge it.
Someone in the media recently asked me how I feel that there’s people who won’t buy our products because I switched our shipping company from UPS to Fed Ex (Same cost) because UPS had annoyed me. I said “Good for them!” because I support that.
If a company annoys you for any reason, you should feel free to not buy from them. If I was funneling revenue that Stardock gets to killing baby seals for my video amusement, wouldn’t you think twice about buying something from Stardock? I would. Mmmm. Baby seal.
Anyway, my point is that if someone gets annoyed with something I do or that Stardock does and chooses not to buy our products then I say: Good for them. Market forces will sort it out and nothing keeps corporations honest than users making informed decisions on their purchases.
So whether I’m trolling our WindowBlinds technology or pooping on the Galactic Civilizations backstory or the evil corporate overlording at Neowin you can be assured that as chief troll, my job is to make sure that we’re staying honest, transparent and answerable to the customers.