Update on new MP patch. Will have it done soon. Here is the current changes.
Current change log:
-Removed Elite SC
-Lowered total Fleet points to roughly half of current. Will edit with exact number when I test it again. (You wont be able to make 32 caps I think you may with the Supply Pact)
-Increased Jump angle to 25 from 15
-Increased max alliegiance from home planet to the following:
allegiance 1.00
allegiance 0.95
allegiance 0.90
allegiance 0.85
allegiance 0.80
allegiance 0.75
allegiance 0.70
allegiance 0.60
allegiance 0.50
allegiance 0.40
allegiance 0.25
-Increased experienced gained from capital ships destroyed to the following:
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 120.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 200.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 280.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 300.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 420.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 560.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 680.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 850.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 1000.0
ExperienceGainedForDestroying 1200.0
-Decreased damage Bombers to Cap to the following:
DamagePercentBonus:ANTIVERYHEAVY:CapitalShip 0.70 (was 0.75)
-Increased damage Flak to Bombers to the following:
DamagePercentBonus:ANTIVERYLIGHT:Light 0.80 (wa0.75)
-Added parts of The Sins Optimization Project (meshes and textures) Thanks to T.S.O.P. crew for their work.
-Added Stant's Better Gas Giants and updated GalaxyDef file for better random spawns.
-Fixed Vasari Carrier's Scramble Bombers from Spawning Elite Bombers.
-Increased cooldown of Scramble Bombers:
Level:0 50.000000
Level:1 45.000000
Level:2 40.000000
-Doubled most planetary abilities. (Not all planets we tweaked. City, Industral, Relic are just a few that didnt get changed)
-Fixed possible problems with some of the planetary abilities:
Reversed Paradise and Rock planet hyperspace charge up buffs.
Possible fix for Home planets.
-Added new Pirate models. Thanks to SuperZERO0
Hopefully Ive not forgotten anything I planned to add this round.