The crashes do seem to be related to these two changes
researchModifier modifierType "PlanetUpgradeBuildRateAdjustment" baseValue -3.000000 perLevelValue 0.000000 linkedPlanetUpgradeType "Invalid"
researchModifier modifierType "PlanetHealthRegenRateAdjustment" baseValue -10.000000 perLevelValue 0.000000 linkedPlanetUpgradeType "Infrastructure"
I moved them to another research tag (max ship slots) and I still get an error on load up (in dev)
File: C:\Users\CrownUser\AppData\Local\Ironclad Games\Sins of a Solar Empire\Mods-Diplomacy v1.37\SOA2\GameInfo\RESEARCHSUBJECT_MAXSHIPSLOTSBORG0.entity Label: artifactPicture Line Number:51 Line Contents: linkedPlanetUpgradeType "Infrastructure"
I don't see why altering planet upgrade rate has anything to do with artifacts, unless this particular research modifier intrinsically has something to do with it. Also, I had these changes on my old comp and never had any problems with them (the only difference being it was 1.34). Although I like these changes, I am going to delete them and see if this solves my problems.
edit. Got a new error on mini dump this time:
Assert @ C:\Projects\P4\SinsDiplomacy\Release\CodeSource\Engine/DataStructures/DynamicVector.h(172)
i >= 0
Never seen this before.
Edit 2. Even with the above research changes deleted, game still minidumps. I have now got a repeatable dump, with the above error (assert @) listing. Now, according to the forums, this has something to do with missing entity listing, which, I have not touched in anyway shape or form. Hmm.