Yesterday I played for the first time with the "if you lose your home world your out" option. The AI does not focus on protecting it's home planet when you set this option. So if you play 2 Borg vs 8 non-Borg get ready for a cascading core breach.
It seems the Borg are just too good at munching on the other AI territory. The non-Borg needs the ability to "fall back" with it's capital. After both the Borgs started showing up in the same raids in my territory I knew the fix was in.
I built 20 Constellations and took my 60 Intrepids on a suicide run to the Green Borg's homeworld. Sniped it. Yeah! But I think the pink Borg was holding a grudge against the Green Borg. (Maybe because his color is pink.) The Pink Borg has begun consuming the remnants of the Green Borg.
My remaining 2 allies (a Romulan and a Fed) have decided they would rather kill each other than the Borg.
Hope the rest of you are having a blast too. I'm really enjoying all the mesh updates and improved sounds. The death animations are much cooler. And every where I turn there are groups of people I never heard of trying to kill me. Thank you SOA2 Team.
This is SPARTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
backs out of the room slowly...