Alright, I just got done playing 1v1 against an advent player. After a few skirmishes it ended up being his prog and 2 halc's vrs my akan, 2 sovas, and 1 LEVEL SIX DUNOV. I was basically unapproachable till he massed bombers illums and guardians and just split through my fleet with repulse and took out one cap at a time starting with my akan. I had bots, kodiaks and fighters up the ying yang including a few cielos, but that means nothing when there on either side of each other.
I'm extremely frustrated, i was seconds from armistice cooling off and being available again. Which btw, was the only thing that was preventing him from repulsing me into the ground.
I feel I am getting to where I can stand a chance against a skilled advent player. I had no trade going, I was using embargo and just tearing up his trade routes for money. I was sending bombers to each of his planet as my main fleet was closing in on his own. It was just a matter of time. Then he pulls out 10 gaurdians and 30 or so bombers and illums and one by one, my caps go down.
My question: how the hell do you stop gaurdians from using repulse? I had my dunov shooting emp's but it was simply too far away because of repulse. I couldnt even get to my akan with the dunov to put up a shield. I tried sabotage reactors but they couldnt reach them either. I just find this scenario absolutely rediculous. At the closing I had the top military, research and economy. I never have that against late advent, ever! Even after out producing, out maneuvering, and out gunning him, he's still able to win just cuz of one ability.
Next time I plan on using bombers to take them out, but if theres anything else to put an end to such a stupid magic trick please tell me.
thank you