This is going to be a lot of models. Prepare for a big post, I'll tell you a little about my world through their descriptions.
I'm kind of a horrible modeler so don't expect any evillejedi quality stuff here. Also, I cannot uvw or texture, so my models will never have skins.
I've been working on the world for about 15 years. I'm 22 years old. The subject of my current work is a novel, Throne of Armageddon, that is currently around 1275 pages in length and will be around 2500 on completion. I've been working on it off and on for 8 years. I hope to have it finished and revised by the end of 2010. This is going to be a busy year. Luckily I have no other obligations.
These may or may not ever make it into Sins. I'm dabbling in modding sins again because I have a friend who is playing around with XSI and can export the models for me (max plugin takes about 13 hours to export on his core 2 duo with a very simple model, probably not as long for my i7 but still too damn long for a simple export). XSI is kind of making everything very difficult, though. Also, effect and particle editing is looking to be very complicated and difficult. The limited size of gravity wells for battlefields is also kind of hurtful.
I'll sort by races.
Crimson-skinned fascist lizardfolk under command of Adashim, aka the Prince of Blood, who is revered as a God.
Grand Vindicator
100km long heavy destroyer. The reasons why it would look weird in sins should be clear. Primary weapons include second-age fusion beam cannons, Slag Cannons (railguns that use traditional Tiran charges to give projectiles initial intertia, then magnetic rails to accelerate them, usually to around 1/4 the speed of light, the longer the rail the faster they become), and Flame Lance cannons which are basically fusion-based point defense weaponry.
Great Knight
400km fourth-age battlecruiser. Uses Quantum-powered weaponry to launch specialized shells with disruptor cores specifically designed to destroy Undead ships, but just as effective against physical targets as well. Highly maneuverable, extremely long range, has next-generation Anahn psionicists onboard to provide psychic protection in the form of Quantum shielding. Doesn't stop Undead weapons, but gives the ship a better survivability rate. This can take on an Undead Zeral`Motakk one-on-one. Very few ships in the universe can boast that.
This design was clearly heavily inspired by the Albion from Gundam. There's a long history behind this model, which was created only recently. I am currently in the process of updating it to fit the Anahn design more closely and diverge away from the Gundam origins.

Minera-inspired design. I liked some of the Gundam ships and decided to challenge myself by basing a new Anahn frigate off of the Minerva. I came up with this. It doesn't have any turrets yet.

Consider all of the emotion in the universe. Hatred, anger, spite, greed. Now consider a thousand universes inhabited by God-like beings and demons of their own creation. Imagine a power influenced by all this malice and all wars ever to exist. It draws in the souls of those who die painful deaths or deaths at the hands of tyrants and murders, whom are also eventually sucked into this vortex of despair. That is the Great Undying, whom of which Guola, the Devil, is its shepard and the Undead its soldiers. They exist only to incite pain and fear.
Undead ships are comprised of an elemental energy-metal and have no mass. They move by using psionics waves. Their armor is completely immune to the effects of gravity, heat, and many elemental weapons, but remains moderately vulnerable to kinetics. However, it is also extremely regenerative, and an Undead ship can operate with 3/4 of its hull missing, and will fully regenerate in a few minutes. 1/2 the speed of light is considered a slow maximum speed for most Undead ships. Using psionic energy any Undead ship can jump any distance nearly instantly.
Undead primarily use the element Deimos for their weaponry. This is focused through spikes and spires which generate and collect the energy along their base and focus it near the tip, producing a beam of such intense radiation and heat that it can turn the plasma of stars into Proteus (element) and vaporize stars within a few seconds. This also reacts with the reactivity of shields and tends to bleed through most shields, melting and vaporizing hulls despite adequet shield protection.
Alternatively, Undead use the Proteus element in the form of lightning. Proteus is comparable to electricity in that it can be used as a form of power for mechanics if you have the right tools and materials, but it also doubles as an extremely potent energy source for weapons. Undead themselves cannot resist Proteus because of its unique elemental status.
They also produce intense psionic activity through their spiritual link to Guola. This is enough to completely overwhelm the minds of most mortal fleets and turn them onto each other before the Undead fleet ever appears.
Undead are reckless and insane. They are completely willing to throw away a million ships just to kill that one straggler. They are immortal, and their ships are reborn within the Great Undying moments after their destruction. They are considered the scourge of what remains of our worlds. Because the Great Undying has virtually limitless elemental energy at its disposal, and because Undead function on an entirely different level of physics, they can produce ships of extreme scale.
Third-age battleship. 600km in length, the Motakk is not very large but has six Deimos pillars that bleed through subspace, thus bypassing most shields and traveling at many times the speed of light. More dangerous are its twin Sunshatter cannons.

Third-age artillery ship. About 6,000km in length, the Avatar sacrifices all forms of traditional Undead weaponry for a single, extreme-ranged phase transfer cannon. The rotating ring section produces a psionic vortex to power this monstrous weapon. While highly destructive, elemental shielding provides protection against these attacks. Because of its psionic presence, Avatars are difficult to destroy using anything besides Proteus. They can simply disintigrate any kinetic projectiles that come close to them, as well as ships and particle weapons.

The Alrashann is a third-generation battlecruiser about 300km in length. It has enough Deimos spires to warrant the usage of an external power source (a singularity). Its primary weapons are Deimos-based vortex railguns, complimented by a large number of torpedo launchers and pulse spires. Its main function is to ram enemy ships and explode in their faces. When Undead ships lose energy stabilization their energy turns into matter and is forced into extreme velocities by the resulting explosion, generally ripping apart anything they come into contact with. The Alrashann likes to jam itself into enemy capital ships and self-destruct or simply fire at point-blank and wait for them to destroy it instead.
Fifth-gen Undead fighter about 300m in length. Can destroy most third-gen fleets on its own. Has twin Sunshatter cannons, Deimos chain cannons, and a few other nasty tricks. As the Undead don't have any carrier-type ships, fighters would be a bit difficult to balance in Sins for them. Traditionally, Undead fighters are just as mobile as capital ships and can jump very long distances, but they can't jump from the Abyss to Creation (Our world, aka the universe) without a Tear.
Second-age medium Undead fighter, about 220m. Not much special about him. 8x Deimos pulse cannons. Like most fighters in my universe, they don't need to be a bomber to do significant damage to capitals. If any of the Deimos pulses hit the hull of most ships the conduction will vaporize or melt a good chunk of the vessel. Pray you never fight anything using Deimos in an atmosphere.
The Fear
A unique supership about 1 billion km in length. The sheer scale of the Fear allows it access to a massive psionic image, making it capable of appearing completely invisible both to psionic and traditional sensors. Its combat abilities are not completely understood, but it destroyed an Anahn fleet of some hundred thousand ships before the Khorannaroth damaged it to the point of forcing it to retreat, an act uncharacteristic of Undead ships. It is speculated that the Fear has a will of its own, tied only to Guola through their mutual link, but acting independantly.
If I added this thing into Sins I would make it a capital ship available at the end of the UD tech tree. Needless to say, balancing anything like this would be hard.

The Xy`Kranasha
The last race I'll talk to you about today is the Xy`Kranasha. Their story is long and complex so I won't be versing it here. Their ships are a combination of mechanics and organics. They focus on the Kato and Proteus elements. Kato is a burning similar, but is unlike Deimos. Kato only produces a moderate amount of radiation and instead focuses on conduction and convection. Deimos is considered the crimson flame that bathes all in destruction, Kato is considered the searing knife that tears through the heart. The Xy`Kranasha are the only race known to be able to utilize the Kato element. They sometimes employ kinetic weapons and torpedo systems, willing to use more ancient methods of combat should they prove useful and unexpected.
While the Xy`Kranasha lack the sheer scale of the Undead or the voracity of the Anahn, their technology is incredibly advanced and they constantly evolve and adapt. The mechanic components of Xy ships aren't terribly special, but the organic components, specifically a film-like skin that covers their armor, are extremely resilient and can absorb heat, kinetic impacts, and most elemental energy without problem. Xy shielding has changed over the few years of their existence, from matter-based shielding into a Proteus static overlay. Their shields are not considered very advanced, but do the job quite handily.
Sizes given are averaged. Xy ships are grown, not built or generated from energy, and thus vary in size.
Xy heavy fighter. Was about 200m length upon first inception, the third generation has seen it grow to around 400m. It is not very maneuverable but has a very potent acceleration. Its primary function is to disrupt enemy fighter formations by flying straight into them. Its four Kato pulse cannons can snipe either fighters or capital subsystems at will. For a fighter the Heraa is very durable, and is typically escorted by smaller craft to protect it from interceptors.

Destroyer at about 26km in length. Extremely quick, the Grammael is a close-ranged psionic warfare vessel modeled after the demon ships it was designed to destroy. It focuses streams of Proteus and Psionic energy from several points and dismantles either matter or elemental makeup of its target. If you're a frigate, you do not ever want to run into one of these. They can easily destroy ships five times their size in seconds.
A first-age destroyer that has grown to around 120km in length with the newest versions. Its unique psionic wave drives allow Gorekhans to amplify each other's movement and exponentially increase in maneuverability and speed as they grow closer to each other. Its weapons include four Kato beam cannons, two Proteus lightning cannons, Kato pulsar drivers and Proteus subspace torpedoes.
The Gorekhan was one of the first Xy ships I ever conceptualized a decade ago, basing the design heavily on the Primus from Babylon 5. Until about a year ago, though, it was way too hard for me to model my own version. This model is still pretty sloppy, especially the beam cannons on the hull, but it is well beyond my skill level to fix them.
The mod I conceptialized in my head for Sins doesn't take balance very seriously. I'd be adding absurd races like the Vyru, who possess ships that make the Undead unscalabe in comparison, and the Phantoms, whose elemental makeup makes them a hard counter for 90% of the other races. So, it seems reasonable I'd also put this ship into the game.
Two words - Phasic Armor. The Glecterror is practically indestructible and uses quantum compression to house entire fleets. It is a vessel of tremendous scale, similar to that of the Fear. While not as mobile nor as long ranged, the Glecterror is basically a megaship killer and the Fear would be unable to harm it.
Warning - big image. I never got around to finishing this model because I am not skilled enough. It's about 20% complete.
That's all for now, gentlemen. Again, the likelihood of these ever going into sins is pretty minimal. In the event the project does go, somewhere, there's something else you can expect other than just models.
Voice acting and sound effects.
I am a skilled sound engineer and voice actor, far more than I am a modeler. I'll allow these utub videos to demonstrate these skills for you.
Oh geez this awful forum doesn't even auto linkify stuff in addition to having a wretchedly bad search function. Why don't people conform to standards and use real forums?