I got them working somewhat but it is on and off. They partly work--sometimes fully then stop.
It seems the default templates in the entity files are overiding the scripted ones. I'll keep plinking.
I have a 6v1 map and a 2v2 that require set starting bases. Only way I could make it happen and keep balance for the maps was to start at non standard worlds.
I am trying to get the following to start at seven dead asteroids (I have them starting there at least so far).
1) Advent and/or Tech Players (six total) start with One colonizer frigate and three heavy frigates.
2) Phase player (only one) starts with a capital ship colonizer.
Both sides start at dead asteroids where I would like to spawn Wormhole artifacts for all at each dead asteroid (if that's possible). They basically take a one-way wormhole from the start point and the game is on. The phase cap ship will force the colonizers to move and he has a differnt exit where he will need the cap ship to survive travel through. That's my best work around for not being able to designate start points. I'd like it to be a map not a mod.
I have got the frigates to appear but when I try labs or cap ships either only the frigates appear or it breaks the template. I've tried seting it in GF, copying and modding several player templates on the forum but it just doesn't tweak right. My best guess is somehow I am not directing the defaults for the worlds away to be replaced by my custom template. So when they overlap, the forces that appear in standard appear (like the frigates) but otherwise nothing else will. So if the default calls for 4 frigates and my custom calls for four frigates and a cap, I'll get the frigates but not the cap--its a guess.
The forum examples all use slightly varied approaches--differences in syntax in some areas, order, etc. Confusing to a noob but the templates seem to be ridiculously easy--shouuldn't be too hard.
But as an example, I can cut and paste a particular template from the forum--works fine. If I change ONE parameter, it stops working. Change a frigate to a cap--doesn't work. Change it to a scout--doesn't work, etc.
Any help appreciated. I am sure there is a particular line entry that needs changing that I am missing somewhere in the planet area. no idea what, I have tinkered with all.