OK...I have gutted the file, gone back to the original, customized it with several other player's templates and never can get the spawns I specify. So I have taken Voruk's Labyrinth and chopped it down to use as an experimental setup. No lane connecions or wormholes and only one HW planet per player.
I have put my emulation of one of the Voruk's Labyrinth templates (the things I want to spawn) and have changed one other parameter:
In the original template the templateName was given as a player made template and then below it in the name field, LightStart was given. LightStart is from the GalaxyDef file and is a default game template. When used as written in Voruk's Labyrinth, the LightStart ships/buildings are what appeared. Renaming or leaving blank the name field causes the game to crash or no ships to spawn. In this example I have given the player created template name in the place of both name and templateName which does allow the map to load. As is, the militia units no longer spawn--but neither do the called for ships. You end up with an empty but owned homeworld. If you go down to the template units shown it's pretty easy to see what I am attemping as far as spawns.
I deleted the Labs template that was in the original Voruk's Labyrinth as it called for five non-combat modules but spawned none. Removing it and the dead asteroids associated with it have caused no issues. The other planets and all lane connections and the like have been removed for simplicity's sake. I am pasting in the entire (small) map file here and if someone can alter it to work as I intend I would like to see what is done to achieve that. So here it is (I just need the two worlds to spawn according to race type as specified--see if you can get it to run on your machine and let me know)--thanks in advance:
versionNumber 3
isBrowsable TRUE
browsePictureName ""
browseName "Worldstrider Template Trial"
browseDescription "Modification of Templates"
isFirstCapitalShipIsFlagship TRUE
randomizeStartingPositions TRUE
planetArtifactDensity 0.150000
planetBonusDensity 0.400000
normalStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:Population 3
normalStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:CivilianModules 1
normalStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:TacticalModules 0
normalStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:Home 1
normalStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:ArtifactLevel 10
normalStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:Infrastructure 2
quickStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:Population 4
quickStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:CivilianModules 1
quickStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:TacticalModules 0
quickStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:Home 1
quickStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:ArtifactLevel 10
quickStartHomePlanetUpgradeLevel:Infrastructure 2
recommendedGameTypeCount 2
recommendedGameType "1v1"
recommendedGameType "FFA"
metersPerGalaxyUnit 25000.000000
pixelsPerGalaxyUnit 6.351996
useRandomGenerator FALSE
galaxyWidth 1280.000000
galaxyHeight 880.000000
nextStarNameUniqueId 11
nextPlanetNameUniqueId 63
starCount 2
designName "Star0"
inGameName "ALPHA"
type "RedStar"
pos [ 357 , 50 ]
radius 20.000000
planetCount 1
designName "Planet0"
inGameName "Alpha Prime"
type "DesertHome"
pos [ 349 , 40 ]
owner "NewPlayer"
isHomePlanet TRUE
normalStartUpgradeLevelForPopulation 0
normalStartUpgradeLevelForCivilianModules 0
normalStartUpgradeLevelForTacticalModules 0
normalStartUpgradeLevelForArtifacts 0
normalStartUpgradeLevelForInfrastructure 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForPopulation 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForCivilianModules 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForTacticalModules 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForArtifacts 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForInfrastructure 0
templateName "Start"
subTemplates 1
template "Start"
groups 0
spawnProbability 1.000000
useDefaultTemplate FALSE
connectionCount 0
spawnProbability 1.000000
designName "Star2"
inGameName "Beta"
type "YellowStar"
pos [ 399 , 52 ]
radius 20.000000
planetCount 1
designName "Planet9"
inGameName "Beta Prime"
type "DesertHome"
pos [ 392 , 65 ]
owner "NewPlayer1"
isHomePlanet TRUE
normalStartUpgradeLevelForPopulation 0
normalStartUpgradeLevelForCivilianModules 0
normalStartUpgradeLevelForTacticalModules 0
normalStartUpgradeLevelForArtifacts 0
normalStartUpgradeLevelForInfrastructure 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForPopulation 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForCivilianModules 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForTacticalModules 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForArtifacts 0
quickStartUpgradeLevelForInfrastructure 0
templateName "Start"
subTemplates 1
template "Start"
groups 0
spawnProbability 1.000000
useDefaultTemplate FALSE
connectionCount 0
spawnProbability 1.000000
interStarConnectionCount 0
playerCount 2
designName "NewPlayer"
inGameName "NewPlayer"
overrideRaceName ""
teamIndex -1
startingCredits 3000
startingMetal 800
startingCrystal 500
isNormalPlayer TRUE
isRaidingPlayer FALSE
isInsurgentPlayer FALSE
themeGroup ""
themeIndex 0
pictureGroup ""
pictureIndex 0
designName "NewPlayer1"
inGameName "NewPlayer1"
overrideRaceName ""
teamIndex -1
startingCredits 3000
startingMetal 800
startingCrystal 500
isNormalPlayer TRUE
isRaidingPlayer FALSE
isInsurgentPlayer FALSE
themeGroup ""
themeIndex 0
pictureGroup ""
pictureIndex 0
templates 1
templateName "starts"
subTemplates 0
groups 6
type "PlanetOwnerIsRaceNormalStart"
param "Tech"
owner "PlanetOwner"
colonizeChance 0.000000
items 4
item "Tech:Frigate:Colony"
item "Tech:Frigate:Heavy"
item "Tech:Frigate:Heavy"
item "Tech:Frigate:Heavy"
type "PlanetOwnerIsRaceNormalStart"
param "Psi"
owner "PlanetOwner"
colonizeChance 0.000000
items 4
item "Psi:Frigate:Colony"
item "Psi:Frigate:Heavy"
item "Psi:Frigate:Heavy"
item "Psi:Frigate:Heavy"
type "PlanetOwnerIsRaceNormalStart"
param "Phase"
owner "PlanetOwner"
colonizeChance 0.000000
items 1
item "Phase:CapitalShip:Colony"
type "PlanetOwnerIsRaceQuickStart"
param "Tech"
owner "PlanetOwner"
colonizeChance 0.000000
items 4
item "Tech:Frigate:Colony"
item "Tech:Frigate:Heavy"
item "Tech:Frigate:Heavy"
item "Tech:Frigate:Heavy"
type "PlanetOwnerIsRaceQuickStart"
param "Psi"
owner "PlanetOwner"
colonizeChance 0.000000
items 4
item "Psi:Frigate:Colony"
item "Psi:Frigate:Heavy"
item "Psi:Frigate:Heavy"
item "Psi:Frigate:Heavy"
type "PlanetOwnerIsRaceQuickStart"
param "Phase"
owner "PlanetOwner"
colonizeChance 0.000000
items 1
item "Phase:CapitalShip:Colony"