Quoting Alpha_003_Snipe,
reply 4551
I'm willing to bet that the Yama (I assume that they're the people who Crow's people are at war with) are using AK-47s. I saw some captured Taliban ones at the AGI, and they were pretty tacky, to be honest. That's why people use the AKs, because the parts are easy to get, and an 8-year-old could put them together. We weren't allowed to fire them, seeing as there was no telling if they'd break, catch on fire, or explode. The spread of the rounds is ridiculous as well. A hit from anywhere but close range will usually be non-lethal, if they hit you at all. A British soldier took a round through the neck and survived, whereas a modern weapon would have killed him very quickly with a hit like that.
Yeah, because the AK's are very cheap to build, thats why they are very unreliable. They are also all over the world on the black market.
I would trust more an entirely custom-made weapon from a stranger, than a standard AK-47. Oh yeah, I would.
Also, most of these weapons are salvaged, and thats why you can never know how each one of them operates. About the lethality, I find it hard to believe, because they are supposed to be very lethal. Then again, a weapon that old, is normal to be outdated by modern weapons in every aspect, so yeah, its quite possible.
"Mr Anderson, welcome back....we missed you...."
Actually standard AK-47 (and AK-series weapons in general) assault rifles are VERY reliable. Because they are simple to produce, maintain, and are highly reliable, THAT'S why they are so popular.
However, I'd say that only AK-series weapons from Russia (the country of origin for the weapon) are like that. Anything that's produced as a local copy in very non-industrial areas are almost certainly inferior. The "Yama", if they are using AKs, are probably using either really old rifles or are employing inferior copies.
The G-36, now thats an awesome type of weapon
Reduced 66%
Original 900 x 495
It fits a grenade launcher as well:
Reduced 78%
Original 697 x 559
"Mr Anderson, welcome back....we missed you...."
The G36 is bitchin'. Nuff said.
Yeah, the IL86 and the pic you posted are the L86A1, which is essentially the same gun, but it underwent a major refit because there were quite a few problems. Before we got the A2s we used the cadet-issue A1s. I didn't like them, because they jammed loads.
And yeah, the story's true, it was on the televised Remembrance Day service, so I'm sure that they wouldn't lie on that.
The primary cause of death in the British military at the moment is because of IEDs. They're essentially homemade landmines. The problem is, that due to the nature of the mission in Afghanistan, you need to have men patrolling on the ground. Fortunately, most IEDs are reported by the locals, who are just as keen as we are to remove the Taliban. However, the real killers are the ones that are on roads used by vehicle patrols. If we had helicopters (MOD sold the lot before buying new ones, and then the defence budget was cut... ) then part of the problem would be removed, as soldiers could hitch a ride on a helicopter when they want to travel between camps. The problem of patrols being hit is an unavoidable issue, though, and the vehicles that we've been using simply aren't built to take an IED blast. They simply add to the carnage with shrapnel from their frames. However, it's getting better now, with better vehicles. A surprisingly quick reaction by MOD. Usually they wait until after a war to give soldiers the right gear for it.
And, finally, the scope used on the rifles is a SUSAT scope. They're very good, and aren't electronic like the COD-famous ACOG. I heard that the army is starting to use ACOGs some of the time. Suppose it's for when they're needed.
So, what guns do your armies use, people?
Edit: Agreed. G-36s are great. Germans make good stuff.
Yeah, IEDs are nasty stuff. My dad's a US Marine who did 2 tours in Iraq. He was in the invasion force, working in a logistics company at the time.
On a side note, I'd REALLY hate to get shot at by a 40K Ork/Ork weapon. Mostly because there's no telling quite what is going to be heading towards you. After all, Ork "snazzguns" incorporate just about ANYTHING, because Orks can make a weapon out of ANYTHING. REALLY. If you tell an Ork that rock shoots bullets, then IT WILL SHOOT BULLETS WHEN USED BY AN ORK.
"I don't grin like a moron, I grin like a sociopath." | There'd better be some bitz there!