Ooh thanks for that Guenwhyever. I've made a post in another thread kind of regarding this. See below:
Hi guys.
Sorry for the necro, but I'm new the Sins (bought Trinity a little while ago) and am the kind of person who *needs* to know all of this stuff.
How up to date is this information? I've found when searching myself that alot of the stated percentage damage dealt by different weapon types to different armour types is different now compared with everything I'm reading on the web.
Because of this, I'm trying to update the wiki page on "Ship Types" with the most current data that I find in the game files.
I've found the "DAMAGEPERCENTBONUS" that each weapon type deals to each armour type (in Gameplay.constants), but can not find each ship types armour type, or even which weapon type each ship has.
Have all of the armour types and weapon types remained unchanged for each ship since this was posted? Is it only the numbers that have changed?
**Edit **
I've found the armour types of all the ships (in the manual!!) apart from the Colony Frigates (it doesn't state a type) and the Strikecraft (it doesn't mention strikecraft at all).
The manual also lists each ships weapons, but doesn't mention what weapon type the ship is classes as, making knowledge of the armour type rather useless to be honest.
**Edit 2 **
The Trinity Manual states that the Carrier Cruisers have an armour type of "Medium", but all references on the web (the wiki and this thread, for example) are saying they have type "Heavy". Is this a typo in the manual or has it been changed from previous versions?
This is why I would like to know where to look in the game files for such information