You all have the right of it. Initially, for pre-orders and whatnot, Trinity was a bundle, where you would get seperate registrations and keys for the base game, Entrenchment, and Diplomacy. When the boxed version was coming about, Trinity became its own thing, with only one key. The content is exactly the same, the files themselves, with some very minor exceptions (launcher, etc), are the same, and for things like multiplayer, they're 100% compatible.
With Trinity, you can choose which 'chapter' you want to play from, so if your friend only has the base game, you can still play with him, you'll just need to play the base game chapter. They, however, cannot join a game that you host if you're in the Entrenchment or Diplomacy chapters.
Hi, I was wondering- is it possible to play a game with both the features from Entrenchment and Diplomacy (aka both starbases and the new diplomatic stuff) if you bought sins, entrenchment, and diplomacy seperately, or do you need Trinity for that (or, based on what I've read here, what with the information that Trinity people have to choose a chapter to play from, is it not possible at all?)
I'm asking because I'm thinking about getting diplomacy, but already have soase and Entrenchment, and I'm not really interested in all the diplomacy changes/diplomacy research/diplomatic victory if I can't also build starbases/research defensive tech/ect.
Sorry for the spot of necromancy, I hate to unearth a month old thread, but not as much as I hate to start a new one.