As many of you know, I play Vasari almost exclusively. Well, I was playing a game yesterday on Whirlwind with an Advent ally set to unfair with four enemies on hard and locked teams.
Good news: I have every pact with my advent ally.
Bad news: a TEC adversary is pounding away at me with Sova spams.
The choke point is a desert world protected by the best defenses I can put on it. Maxed out SB, turrets, hangars, repair bays, and the adjoining asteroid has a phase stabilizer. Unfortunately, my egg is elsewhere colonizing and my fleet is split because I am fighting a three front war against two enemies.
Because of that last item, the AI is able to practically steamroll me. I can't mount any offensive because of that. I am attempting to build my fleet because I finally reached the point at which I have unlocked the Vasari's late game arsenal, but whenever the AI attacks, my fleet gets shattered.
The only way I found to mitigate this is Skirantras. SB is now incredibly powerful and makes taking down capitals far easier. More importantly, RC is awesome. The point is, without them, I get slaughtered and the planet is bombed to oblivion.. With them, I take minor losses.
So, my point is that in this game, Skirantras are more or less the only thing keeping me alive. Without them, I get annihilated. Maybe it is because a good chunk of my FC is used on Envoys, but still, I almost feel obligated to use them. No longer is Scramble Bombers some worthless ability. Now it has a real effect on gameplay.
That part is good, but the problem is how critical it is now. This large amount of carriers makes countering them more difficult since it can throw more at me than I can return. I don't know if this AI's RNG just likes Sovas or if the Devs actually made it like them, but either way, it is significantly more difficult now than before. I'm fine with a difficulty buff. I am just wondering if the Skirantra should be the only thing able to stand up to Sova spams. Obviously it shouldn't, but the point remains... It is far more powerful than the others and as such is unbalanced. Do I think its OP? No. Do I think other caps should be buffed? Yes!