Lets have alittle forum yearbook for all the friends we have made
Most likely to try to boost my self esteem over it:
-Twilight Storm
(Yayz! I can finally be lazy and just press the Last button instead of accidentally pressing Next!)
Yourself we only need one Xer07.
Most likely to ruin Xer07 chances?
Xer0. Only he has that power.
Most likely to take Xer0's place now that the crush thing is going to be settled:
You since everyone will read what you posted.
Most likely two to meet each other in real life?
(Skidi and Clairvoyant exluded through obvious reasons.)
Veers and Xer0. Veers just seems like the stalker-type. (That's why he hasn't been posting...He's outide Xer0's window RIGHT NOW!)
Mostlikely to call the cops
Karma for killz
Xer0's mom
most likely to join the circus:
Most likely to kill somebody in an unadulterated cold rage?
Most likely to record their own song:
Most likely to steal said song and make billions off of it?
HAHAHA!!!! ME!!!!
Most likely to kill everyone for a dollar
Most likely to build a corporation that on its own controls 1.7% of "global" economy, but when considered with its affiliates controls 42.1% of global economy?
Corporate Barbie
Most likly to die by the force
Most likely to assassinate Veers?
IFear since hes also into starwars.
Most likely to murder some one on these forums?
Hmm, probably Veers. In all likelihood, IFear and Veers will probably kill each other.
Most likely to know if there will be a 3rd season of Code:Geass?
Most likely to have a pet goldfish named Mr. Rogers?
Most likely to gift me UT3 through Impulse?
I already told you, Imaginary Gary has you on his X-Mas mailing list...
Most likely to assassinate Imaginary Gary to prevent Whiskey's receipt of UT3:
Killz, just to spite me and so I can't pwn him in the AFF:Planetstorm mod for UT3.
Most likely to beat the crap out of Killz for assassinating Imaginary Gary?
You can try.
Most likely to live in another country away from whiskey?
PROOF: Killz has alluded and/or mentioned he lives in Australia; I live in America.
Most likely to kidnap Killz so I can beat the crap out of him with my epic ban-pwnage skillz?
UT3 is $13 AuD .. cheap as hell
Most likely for some one else to agree your cheap?
Most likely to win some karma!!!!
Whomever translates this: __ d√-1F ∏t
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