In Australia I have the Legal right to make a back up copy of any media I legally own (unless they changed it recently) - for my own use - etc etc etc... which is one of the reasons I agree with you. Companies don't like it... On DVD movies in Australia - we get a "it is forbidden for you to copy this disk" "it is illegal to make illegal copies - or sell, distribute blah blah blah illegal copies" which means - because of our media laws - they forbid us to copy media but it isn't illegal(but they want to imply it is) - but if it were illegal it would be illegal - and if you sell them - distribute them blah blah they become illegal. I notice on my Amazon US disks (i get lots of those as your dvd's are half the price and come out months in advance of Australian disks) the FBI warning is very different and it's more about - "it's illegal and these are the fines" but you can imagine begin brought up in that legal system why DRM seems more draconian that it might otherwise -
If the ACTA treaty works as intended, it will become illegal for you to backup your DVDs.