Hello everybody, I am new to these forums.
I really, really, (and I do mean really) love everything and anything that has to do with space conquest and exploration. Movies, books, TV series, games, you name it. However it space games are very rare and far between, we seem to get a "Freelancer" or a Haegemonia / galactic civilization / SoaSe every 5 years or so and they make so little noise in the press that they are easy to miss.
A new game called "distant worlds" came out recently and I was waiting for it for a while... but it ended up as a big disapointment. You can read my short distant worlds review here.
What other quality space games are out there? Especially those released in the last 5 years or so?
I played and replayed those I have, and I am really craving something new.
Those I played (that I can remember) :
Spaceship action:
- Freelancer
- Darkstar One
- Eve Online
- X3 (steep learning curve)
- Homeworld
- Haegemonia (sometimes spelled Hegemonia)
- Light of altair (small Steam indie game)
- Sword of the stars
- Galactic civilizations 1 and 2
- Sins of a solar empire (+ expansions)
First person:
- Mass effect
- Mass effect 2