Yay, just managed to finish the game for the first time! No crashes at all, took me a bit less than an hour and about 200 turns. In the end I had seven cities and an army of about ten units. I recruited some basic soldiers, and got a couple of wolves and a knight from quests Sorry if I'm posting this on the wrong forum (feel free to move this!), but these aren't so much urgent bug reports rather than some casual observations.
Here's a few observations:
1. Moving armies around cities is a pain. When there was an enemy unit next to the city and I tried to move my units out of the city, they wouldn't go into the same stack, but had to be put into different tiles and then combined again outside the city.
2. There were two computer players in the game I think, but one of them disapperared somewhere? Maybe the other one destroyed him, I don't know. I just killed Procipinee and won.
3. While attacking Procipinee's last city, she had a big army there while being outside of the city herself. Somehow I captured the city without fighting the army, and could kill her when she was alone. The army just stood there on top of the city (not inside it!) without moving.
4. Trolls are mean!
5. I turned my autosave off for this game. I don't know if that had anything to do with the fact that the game didn't crash once when ending turn, but it was really weird. Before this the game had been crashing for me at least once every 50-100 turns, usually earlier, and the autosave would become corrupt and would not load anymore (I reported a couple of these). Anyway, if it keeps crashing at the end of a turn for you, might want to try this.
6. Quests were actually quite fun for such an early stage (sorry, I know the game isn't supposed to be fun ) I like quests where you can get some special units as reward, like those wolves!
7.What else... Oh yeah, at some point the party recruitment option stopped working. Using it would just recruit one unit. It worked once and gave me a party of four soldiers, but after that it went wrong.
All in all it worked well for me, this time at least. When I have time I'll try it again, still with the autosave off. I'm still already gonna say good work guys!