Very interesting model... looks like you took the Vasari's phase missile spammer, the Battleship and the carrier and mashed it together into one ship. As with my model I've tried my best to not make any mistakes or have any lines in the model I've actually made that model from a single rectangle and manged to just make it more complex without any errors... though no doubt there might be some errors I have made on it. I just hope they aren't so great that I have to scrap the model and start all over again. I have of course two saves for the model... the original for when I didn't do a lot of detailed work and then there is the current detailed model
You guessed it close.... The ship is a combo ship, a mash up of all the vassari capital ships. And yes, the poly count is way too high, but it was a simple mash-up challenge I gave myself.
You are building the model the right way in my opinion. Making it a continuous mesh is the easiest way to texture it. It will get a little tricky when you add details, but just subdivide and manipulate, and all will turn out good.
Can't wait to see the finished product! If it is as powerful as you say, make the pop count cost ~200-500 population. That will limit it
That's a definite on the population... heck I might even have a pop count of 2 or even 3 capital points. As I stated before on the ships weapons here are the 3 choices I've made for weapon types.
Beam cannon turrets
fast firing pulse laser/plasma
Torpedo/missile launchers
also here is some tidbit about this ship:
The ship is actually from a book I've been working on but I won't go into detail with that. What I wanted to state in this was the main scale weapon feature on the ship. The nose or mouth part of the ship houses a large scale cannon that has a converter running throughout the center of the ship towards the main reactor and several other sub generators. It is known as a phase transfer singularity cannon.
It takes energy from the phase or hyper space variation of travel ships use but it also multiplies the energy contents of this energy until it reaches a certain point. The sub generators are actually the phase transfer generators that get the energy and charge it up while the main generator provides the main source of energy. It states that it is a singularity cannon so one thinks. "So wait it can make singularity's?" in a sense yes.
The four points at the front of the ship called the maw or mouth are not just for show, the 4 points also hold 4 powerful gravity generators which are linked and compress the beam of the cannon to a point where you get a reaction in the form of a small scale singularity. When the beam is then fired it travels to it's target which can be a point in space or even a ship and once it reaches it's target creates the singularity. But here is where the real damaging part of the reaction comes into play.
The singularity is so unstable that it only lasts for a few seconds before collapsing back on itself and creating a powerful explosion of energy and sends out a shock wave. So any ship near the vincinty of the weapon going off at the point it was fired at are in the danger zone, the closer you are to the terminal point of impact the more likely your ship is going to be destroyed or damaged.
There are two variation of this weapon 1 is the fleet buster and the second is the large scale attack method of the weapon. The weapon can be limited by percentile of how great the damage you want to do so a fleet scale attack would range from anything from 1% to 20% while a system wide attack would range from 21% to 50% for larger scale attacks like say close to 1 light year up to 5 light years would be the rest of the percentage of the max you can go. It's called a WMD for good reason. Though another point comes up would the ship that fired the weapon also get caught up in the large scale destruction? Not really those phase generators also serve another purpose on the ship, the phase the ship out of normal space and put it into a different kind of space that prevents the destructive energy from damaging it.
So basically if it was used in Sins as a ship it main feature the Phase Transfer Singularity Cannon would only be used in two forms, fleet attack and system/planetary attack. But I'd think only to use it for fleet attack because anything larger then fleet attack would simply be overkill and make fighting against such a ship near impossible
and worry not I do plan on other race factions and their ability to live through an attack such as that are already taken into thought. If I did make a mod for sins I'd have to take fairness and balance into effect