So then, when was the first combination of the tropes used?
Again ... I personally think that the first "real combination" of the tropes wasn't in effect until the MOVIE Starship Troopers because the book left it up to interpretation.
Hive mind humans are boring and don't fill the quota at all 
Still, I felt that the "buggy" part of the trope-combo (and really Alien-Bugs are a trope unto themselves) was crafted to become 80% of what we see in Tyranids and Zerg today in the movie Aliens.
If you merely mean that, Yes-there were Giant Bugs back in the 40s and 50s, and yes, there were Hive Minds in the 40s and 50s ... then that doesn't completely qualify.
What I mean, is the fact of scary looking aliens that kinda look like bugs, and are slightly more reptilian, and basically are powerful enough to conquer the entire universe. Sort of like a Super-bad-guy-Alien-monster-trope.
This is different from the normal Alien Dominator trope because these aliens are mindless and animalistic ... and it is only via the RARE intervention of the Hive Mind that they pose an organized military threat ... however their military threat without organization is still quite extreme, due to their vast numbers and rapid reproduction. As well as their tendency to kill everything.