It's supposed to be similar, that's the point of a sequel. It's what is expected of a sequel. Why the **** would you mess with something successful. How is it narrowminded? If they want to do something new, do a spin-off, that way they don't tarnish the series. Why is it wrong to expect a similar experience to the original in a sequel?
Of course it's not wrong to expect something similar. The problem is that players, or, well, humanity in general, often get outraged about things that they did not expect. If everyone ever just catered exactly to what people expect from the past, there would be no progress, no change, no evolution of any kind. I can't believe that you really want StarCraft II to be exactly the same as StarCraft I? Only prettier with, on the surface, many little improvements? And what about StarCraft III or IV, if there is ever going to be one? You really want that to be the same, over and over again?
Humans are creatues of habit, yes, but that's not always a good thing.
And who chose the publisher? I'm sure there are tons of companies who would have been willing to publish SC2.
Not at all. GPG always struggled with finding Publishers for Supreme Commander. Chris Taylor went to a lot of publishers for Supreme Commander 1 until he finally landed at THQ, who were willing to publish this niche market game. Even though the support we received for SupCom/FA was not that great, especially after the release of Forged Alliance, we should still be thankful that THQ picked it up, otherwise it might have never seen the light.
It was similar with Supreme Commander 2. Due to the bad economy and the fact that the Supreme Commander franchise is not really a big money machine, finding a publisher for it was not easy. Square Enix picked it up in their venture of stepping into the western market. But they knew that they had to streamline the development in order to be profitable, so Square Enix made a very tight schedule and a very tight budget (which resulted in the not so optimal release).
@Nick-Danger: I only said "seemingly", I didn't say it was a fact that he likes the game. It would be just incredibly surreal, if he enjoyed the game once he plays it, but can't, simply because it's called "Supreme Commander 2" and not "Generic Strategy Game 2".
And, as an aside, thanks for the interesting opportunities to exercise my rhetoric, as it gets rusty with disuse!
Hehe, no problem

. Though I have to say you used the word "fallacious" a lot.