Did I ever say I wanted Starcraft II to be "exactly" the same as SCI? No, I didn't. I said similar. But generally, decent sequels improve on the original, better graphics, fix bugs, more units. You don't go backwards. Again, if it isn't broken, don't fix it.
Yeah, you didn't say that, but StarCraft II is just "exactly" the same, in many aspects. A sequel that only improves better graphics and fixes bugs and just pushes more unit into it is not a sequel... that's content for an expansion. Best seen in Forged Alliance, which did all those things.
If you want a really good example of this, look at Pokemon (think what you will, but hear me out). It has been around for almost 15 years now. Each new generation improves the graphics, maybe tweaks some game mechanics, adds some new stuff, etc, and it is the second most successful video game franchise in history, after Mario. And most importantly, the games are still fun, despite the fact that the core remains fundamentally the same.
Pokemon and Mario games are a good example of how a game should evolve, you are right. Both those games always stay true to their core mechanic, but still try to do things differently. SupCom2 also stayed true to its core mechanics, i.e. the battle simulation, strategic zoom, waypoint managment, infinite queuing etc..
But their goal was to do things differently in SupCom2 and tackle on the core problems of the first games. These are problems that you and I don't see as problems, but GPG/SE still wanted to change these things, in order to be profitable.
SupCom2 is already the 4th instalment of these kinds of games and changes are bound to happen. Don't get me wrong, I wrote numerous, long rants on the GPG forum about how the new economy is not a good idea, why the research tree could be a problem, why I don't like all the new micromanagement stuff etc. But in the end it's still an enjoyable game, that uses the core mechanics of SupCom and simply does a lot of other things different.
Was I talking about SupCom1
No... I was just describing the whole situation for the SupCom IP.
(which, btw, the support on flat out sucked, like every other GPG game)
Yeah, I mentioned that too in my post

. As already said, THQ's support was awful, especially after Forged Alliance (the pinnacle of awfuleness was the retention of a new patch that is ready since a year ago or so now

I bet you that given the opprotunity, Stardock would have published SC2, as well as plenty of other companies.
I don't know if Stardock would have published SupCom2. We only know that SupCom2 was also on the verge of not getting made at all.
And no amount of excuses about tight schedules/budgets can excuse the fact that they left out very basic features, like saves in skirmish.
It's not an "excuse", but it was the sole reason why skirmish saves didn't make it into the release version. SE put a tight budget and schedule one the game, knowing that a lot of things might not make it in. But fortunately, post release support from SE has been excellent so far and they even decided to let GPG implement Skirmish saves, which originally was way down the list of things that GPG would like to do for SupCom2 (was included in patch 1.15).