Haven't seen all of those, but many.
Ok, sorry but... if you haven't even seen all the experimentals yet or at least looked up their stats and descriptions, why do you come here and complain about the lack of interesting experimentals? In fact, with the exception of the Paragon, all experimentals in SupCom/FA are primarily for "killing stuff" (which of course is not a bad thing, since that is what pure, raw war is all about) and their secondary abilities are rarely useful. For instance, the Atlantis in FA gets build to use its secondary abilities as a mobile factory, not because you need a
mobile factory, but because of its high build power, with which you can spam air units faster without hoards of engineers assisting it.
The Bomb Bouncer is effectively a mobile shield that deflects stuff, so yeah that's quite unusual.
Not just that, it's a directional shield, that only shields from above and every shot that is fired at its shield charges up the Bomb Bouncer. When the Bomb Bouncer discharges on demand, all units within a certain area will be heavily damage. All or most of the small units won't survive this. It's one of the most useful and deadly experimental in the game, when used right.
From what I've heard the Noah Unit Cannon is quite cool, but the "drop pods" can be shot down easily.
The "drop pods" can't get shot down, but there is a brief moment between deploying the unit from the pod and the unit hitting the ground, where AA weapons are able to shoot at the unit. The Noah Unit Cannon is actually a user suggested Experimental. At least a user had exactly that idea 2 or 3 years ago and posted it on the GPG forum.
Loyalty Gun, no idea.
Loyalty Gun simply captures units in a big radius
Pulinsmash, same as a Cybran unit (Magnetron), and seems fairly useless (that, or my brother is seriously misunderstanding it).
Well, compared to the Magnetron, the Pulinsmash is mobile. The Pulinsmash also does not feature a "repel" option. In one of the patches the Pulinsmash's radius got greatly increased, making it a relatively good counter against naval bombardement for the Illuminate.
Experimental Transports? Sounds like the Continental to me, and is cross-faction.
The experimental transport is like the Continental, in that it can transport a lot of units. But unlike the Continental, the Experimental Transports in SupCom2 can also carry Experimentals. It's only available for the UEF and Cybran, the Illuminate have to make due with the Space Temple.
What I was trying to say, other than the interesting bits of the Fatboy and Megabot being removed (and the loss of the Monkeylord... I swear that was a symbol of the series. I mean, pretty iconic), that a lot of the Experimentals are cross faction. In fact, mosdt of the units seem to be effectively cloned between factions. Now, in Vanilla SupCom, the factions were sort of mirrors in general types of unit, but they all had big differences. Compare the Obsidian, Rhino and Pillar. The Rhino had no arc, so that had to be taken into account. The Obsidian had a shield, and was much tougher against same-tier units than the others. Pillar was... nothing special, which I felt was the idea behind most UEF units.
Ah ok, your point is more clear now. But it's not that different in SupCom2. Both SupCom and SupCom2 have their "main, iconic" land based experimental (GC, ML, Fatboy vs. UC, CRex, KK), the ones in SupCom differ in what weapons they use and their general stats and the ones in SupCom2 differ too. As pointed out, there is a large difference between the main weapon of each of those experimentals and they all have different secondary abilities. However, they do not differ in range and HP values that much as in SupCom, I give you that.