Thanks guys for the interest.
As noted SoaSE Maelstrom is for "regular (vanilla) sins, no expansions."
We will be releasing expansion mods as follows ...
1. SoaSE Maelstrom the Expansion (includes Dreadnought Capital ships for all six players) - for SoaSE regular.
2. SoaSE Maelstrom Entrenchment
3. SoaSE Maelstrom Diplomacy
mods 1. and 2. are mostly done and could be pre-released.
mod 3. development will commence soon.
Release of the above mods will be dependent on request and interest.
With regards requests for pictures - this is a complete and extensive mod, i.e a great deal of time spent on development and testing - play it and you won't be disappointed.
Quick History ...
SoaSE has been in development for 1 year.
Emphasis is on game play, the least emphasis has been on Particle Effects.
Development is still open... ideas, feedback and contributions welcome.
Inspiration for this mod - SoaSE and 7DS. Thanks guys!
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