sorry, I meant the resource research specifically.
No need to apologize. Your feedback is very valuable.
Now regarding your Reply #291, yes I have noticed that the game slowed down when a number of players are fully developed, i.e most of the research has been done and fleet logistics are maxed out. Original Sins has been known to slow down also, particularly on huge maps at the end of the game.
Some have speculated that it is caused by the number of trade/refinery ships. I have halved their number.
Some have speculated that it is caused by the number of strikecraft. I have halved their number.
Entrenchment and Diplomacy have "mine" problems. I have halved their number.
Some have speculated that it is the memory footprint and other "bugs" that the "Sins Optimization Project" has discovered and has fixed. I have tried a lot of their fixes.
So far slight improvements.
You asked "could it be some script/function problem?"
I think that it is the raw number of ships and in battle - maneuvering, targeting, firing - and their use of abilities. You mentioned "script problem", yes, abilities. In one of the Sins release a Advent capitals ability could stop the game. When you think of how many targeted ships can be affected by an ability and how many ships their are with abilities - its a large number.
Basically, the next solution I am going to try is reduce the number of ships, for the new races, by half. Also I will revisit some of the key abilities, maybe remove some, reduce their area of impact, etc.
After I optimize, I will rebalance [Reply #293]