Feed back for TA
like the other 2 some can be researched before you have maxed out the previous one
capitals ships
the galactica doesn't fire 2 of it weapons the beams and laser and when it attacks a target it faces it directly but its autocannan are on the side so they cant shoot its target
the excelsior doesn't seem to fire it lasers
weapon upgrade adds autocannons but it says it adds heavy beam emitters.
super weapon
it only takes 2 tac slots and can easily be spammed to do damage every where
some of the ships use plasma (the heavy cruiser, siege ship and anti structure cruiser) but they have no upgrade for it also since this faction is like tec (with a bit of advent) could you make some ships use missiles instead of beam (since all 3 use beam and none use missiles) this would also make the TEC missile pact help 3 races and the Beam pact would help 3
Pacts for all races
i was thinking that each race could have 4 pacts from the race that they are most like and 2 from the 1 that they are like a bit. so that every pact is used twice and not 3-4 times like the research, beam and shield pacts
so each races would have
TA=4 TEC, 2 Advent
Missile,trade,metal,armour Anima, antimatter
Norms=4 advent, 2 Vasari
culture,research,shield,beam tactical,phase drive
reps=4 vasari , 2 Tec
Resource,nano,structure, armament Supply, siege
or something similar to that
Also can you make the reps or norms bomb using lasers since then not everyone is using bombs and its more of a alien/machine way of cleansing a planet