If u don't gonna make this mod or the bonuses I've make, use some of those planets to maelstrom, and please tell me what planets u are going to use and what stars are-u planning to create cause i am REALLY curious!!
Release 3 of Maelstrom, which I am just finishing, will not have new planets. However I have reworked Ancient and Fortified planets.
The choice of planets will be based on interesting combination's of meshes, textures and particle effects.
And plus i wanna know at what to expect from my part of work...
and if u want i could send-u a music for place it in the menu...
I am happy with the current music. However I am thinking of making a minimod or two for Maelstrom - alternative music/voices/effects. Each race requires 15 music tracks, i.e the mod requires 45 tracks in total.
even tough you don't gonna make these bonuses select some of those new planets if u want...
I will let you know when I get around to it ... in a couple of weeks.
And yes i know that the sins has no description of planets, the description it is for you to understand what kind-a planet it is, instead...
Thank you. My point is that apart from meshes/textures/effects a planet is defined by a title, bonuses and entity setup. What might be worth while is to include your detailed descriptions in either a game 'loading screen' or on the Maelstrom website attached to a picture of the planet.
PS: sending pm's to me does not mean I will answer you more quickly. I am back at work and it is busy. You will have to be patient.