Hello everyone!
I would like to give my opinion about the mod I think I like the most, but there are still things that bother me much. Maybe many of these things were mentioned before, I apologize for them. I haven't played much full games with the factions so maybe some of the problems may not occur again, I don't know.
Let's get started.
1. New races: i really like the idea of the 3 new races but they are far from balanced even rigth now, but it seems it is going in the right way compared to the previous versions. TA is far from fair with the cheap and early trade centers, it is the human who should have more income in the early stage, not the harder AI-s to somewhat compensate their income bonus. It seems overpowered, but not as much as in previous versions i admit. Norlamin is great in many fields. Both races have the same problem the Advent had, the mines. I have seen several times Devlons and the other building meteor and crystalline mines and I only laugh at them and kill them without any difficulties. Please remove mines or change something that were done to te original Advent.
2. Planets: more than half of them are awesome looking and I enjoy colonizing them, but the stats, maybe most players enjoy having brutal incomes after half an hour of playing, because colonizing two or three new planets, but it kinda ruins the game for me. Having 10+ crystal income from one planet is not fun for me. I had to reduce the incomes in the files, and this way they are not so unbalanced. More resource asteroids are better I think than asteroids with 300% rate (and their original extraction rate is double of the normal) to make a planet heavy crystal or heavy metal planet. Maybe others like it, but I think it needs some refinement. Also for the bonuses, they are exaggerated, extraction bonus for the already increased extr. and 200 or 300%, it is too much. Also for the trade income and culture spread bonus. Planets have way too high populations, I think they should be compared to the original planet types, I'm glad the Dyson doesn't have 5000 pop as it was some time ago. The Hi Tec colonization is great, but even with this, the high technological planets are strange, and their pop increase research is exaggerated. And one more thing, the research for the giant planets' moons also increases every other planets' pop, maybe it's intended, I don't know, but it should be corrected. In the file it says to increase only the given type, Invalid, and it is connected to the Giant type (is it?), so I couldn't fix it for myself? This problem also occurs with the Sins+ mod, and also for the giants.
3. Titans and Dreadnoughts: biggest disappointment for me, I like the dreadnoughts' look (the Ashlaria needs some changes imho), these ships are the main things of the races, they are leading the fleet, anything is concentrated around them, so they should have been worked out more. The weapons on the dreadnoughts are not using the new weapon types (Draumilus), and the wrong weapon type is associated with the cannons on it. Wawe cannons never looked like a human cannon. The new 4 titans are not awesome like the original 6, I waited to see them shining in a big battle, but they do not, the weapons on them are far from spectacular, double lasers from the gauss placements on the double Sova? Why not big lasers? (I like the look of the mega carrier). The abilities OMG, placing total wrong abilities on it, was it intended? frontal abilities on a ship that goes broadside? I hope it will be changed. And pls add some original abilities, (but I think they will be added in the future (and I hope so)). And the abilities taken from the original six, many of them look extremely strange, e.g. the domination and the unity mass. I hoped to see at least the new titans worked out in a better way, because they are the focus of their races, but left me unsatisfied.
Many dreadnought ability lev 3 does something unexpected, they only increase one stat, not the intended two, but it was mentioned before.
4. Starbase: maybe it was a problem occurring only for me, but it was strange to see an Advent starbase exploding, for some seconds the TEC starbase can be seen? It was strange. I have seen it several times.
5. Capitals: I really like the rotating part of the TA colonizer, it is genious, just like some Norlamin ships. BUT the norlamin siege capital does not seem to fire many weapons, and the abilities worth nothing for me. Nothing to attack or harass an enemy ship or planet, or helping out at least one of my ships? The culture thing and the pop growth increase is somewhat good (culture, why does it cost resources?), but they will not make me buy that ship again.. And the lev 4 of the abilities, but someone before me mentioned this.
This is my personal opinion of my favourite mod, I would like to thank you for all your work on it I'm awaiting the next version with the Replicators, but I hope they won't be overpowered.