I. Army overview.
At the moment Armies are shown as completely unordered (upper part of the first image). This prohibits (i) fast access and (ii) getting an overview of the units within an army or town.
The lower part of the image gives one possibility, how the screen should be reordered. First of, the souvereign and champions should always been shown first. The champions could be ordered according to their level and after that their attack value.
Standard units should be grouped according to their design (one should order within a design according to the group size and then experience) and the designs should be sorted by their material cost (e.g. simply summed up) or by their attack value.
This would allow easy overwiew. For the most easy access the unit selection should then also work with drawing an rectangle to selecting all troops within and with the windows typical shift-click that selects all units between the first selected and the shift-clicked unit.
II.Stationed Units Windows.
This window (displayed below) looks like the main tool to hanle units within an army. Therefore it should work like such a tool.
(a) First off the Shield icon of armies (which are not located in a town) should also open a similar window (maybe called Army Units or something).
( Second the to give an real overview, the window should enlarge to show all units. While this window is active, no one would manipulate the map, so if needed it can use the whole screen. Under no circumstances should there be an slider as seen at the left side of the window.
(c) Sorting within the window. Also here the troops should be sorted as mentioned above. Again grouping of identical units would be of advantage.
(d) The window does not work at all to eject troops from a city, because you can only select one unit at a time. The window should work like an Windows explorer: allowing CTRL-Click, Shift Click and Rectangle select operations to perform multiple selections. Only then can it be used to eject armies from a city.
III. Army auto selection during a turn.
At the moment when one unit has no more moves the game jumps to the next unit. This works fine, but has some problems.
(a) If you have no unit selected there is no simple way to jump to the next unit in the list. Ideally pressing space (ok this is used for something else) should jump to the next unit. [I think for most TBS gamers, space would be the expected button to give this behaviour, while enter would be used to end turns.] This should further also be possible by a button in the interface which could be located near the end turn button as, e.g, shown below. Alternatively, the next-unit-button could replace the kingdom button, which then would move somewhere else.
( There is no option to put a unit to the end of the queue or to tell a unit not to move this turn. The only possibility to jump to the next unit (that I found) is to move the respective unit, until no movement points are left. This could be remedied by adding an wait, skip this turn and/or an wait-until-activated-action (similar to the fortify action) to the left handed action bar. [This is, e.g., important whe a pioneer waits for the needed amount of gold, or a transport waits for its troops].
IV. Scrolling in the action left handed action selection.
Scrolling (as seen below) to find a "quick-access buttons" is absolutely bad. this happens for most units when fortify has been researched.
Your could fit most actions at the left handed panel by scaling them down to about 2/3 of the size they have now (smaller is to small, see spells, which have to small buttons), or by dynamically expanding the panel either to the left or the top. Everything is better than a scroll button in this case.
Alternatively you could only show actions, which are accessible at the moment. E.g. for the pioneer either building a town or a resource. Howewer this might also be misleading to new players who would not register the build on resource thing, or other noncommon options.
As a minimal solution, disband and auto explore should be moved to the absolutely right, so that those actions will be the only ones, which hide beneath the scroll button. You could additionally add a requirement to autoexplore (scout package) to save at least one button for most units. The proposed wait-until-activated-action-button would of course be replaced by fortify as soon as this action is researched, so the action would not add an additional button.