Here's a hypothetical here: does working a 12 hour day just to get a beta out so the community can test it not immediately qualify for the suggestion that they are very hard working and dedicated?
What about if they worked 12 hour days for two weeks straight, then worked the weekend too?
That suggests to me that they are, in fact, not merely dedicated but composed of some kind of diamond-infused super-flesh, instead of normal human flesh.
This post is not for the business of ass-kissin' (not that they don't deserve it) but for the very good reason of highlighting what an amazing job the team from Michigan is doing. It sucks to work extremely hard and not get recognition for what you're doing.
I understand Brad stays there right to the very end. That makes him a good guy: usually, the manager making you work til you drop buggers off around five every day.
Cari is of course extremely hard working, and somehow manages to answer questions over IRC even at 1 AM EST. I wouldn't even be coherent.
Kyro is also doing hard work. Did you know, every time he does a bug roundup, he has to read through every single post on the beta forums? I couldn't imagine having to do that day in, day out.
I'd thank more of you, but I don't know who else is working on the project! Show yourselves for purposes of your fans lavishing gratitude upon you.