The tool I made for migrating from dropbox to the Mods-Diplomacy v1.31 works like this.
In the .\My Dropbox\SOTF MOD\ directory I added a migrate directory.
In this directory there is a folder for apache-ant-1.8.2 (You shouldn't have to touch this) and 3 files:, migrate_build.xml and migrate_sotf.bat.
I need you to copy this to c:\sotf\ on your harddrive then modify the following two entries in this file.
dropbox.dir=[Your Drop Box Full Path]/SOTF MOD
mod.dir=C:/Users/[USER NAME]/AppData/Local/Ironclad Games/Sins of a Solar Empire/Mods-Diplomacy v1.31
This file is specific to your machine and will allow others to use the migrate.bat file on their machines.
After you setup the in c:\sotf\ you can execute this program to copy ONLY changed files from the dropbox directory to the mod directory. This will help automate the process of copying files and significantly speed up the copying process.
Feel free to open the bat file... The main line of code here is the .\apache-ant-1.8.2\bin\ant -buildfile migrate_build.xml which invokes the ant distribution included in the dropbox.
if not exist c:\sotf\ goto notthere
.\apache-ant-1.8.2\bin\ant -buildfile migrate_build.xml
goto end
echo c:\sotf\ not found!
echo ...
echo Please copy to c:\sotf\ and
echo modify the dropbox and mod directory locations for your specific machine.
goto end
echo finished.
You won't need to modify this file, but feel free to open it and poke around. This file has one main target called "migrate". In it you can see it calls a templated ant command to copy from the dropbox directory to the mod directory.
You will also see at the top of the migrate_build.xml a reference to the property file I asked you to copy to c:\sotf\:
<property file="c:/sotf/"/>
You shouldn't need to modify this file.
Running the Migration Batch Script:
Once the is setup correctly try executing the migrate.bat from the command line.
If it doesn't work check to make sure you have a valid java installation by typing java at the command line.