Hello, i'm french and sorry for my bad english
No worries, your English is fine.
I just wanted you to know that i like this mod, you do a very good and hard work, i love the rogue.
Thanks, me too!
I don't use moon, i prefer starbase and don't use other nation because i don't like vessels of this ^^. (and i have too many minidump with them unlike rogue)
I understand, this is partly why things such as Moons are optional features. I'm trying to shore up mini-dumps which is incredibly hard to do, but I have made some progress.
The artefacts vessesl are good idea but i think are too weak and very slow, if they can gain xp and level up, i think are more interesting. is that you prepare an improvement of this?
The actually did start as capitalships but I found taking away from capital slots was not as fun at the time. I might be more apt to increase their durability and stats. I also want to add more artifacts to the world, but this will take time.
The capacity of rogue spécial weapon (novalith shoot) are really effective? i don't see any difference on enemy planet after impact of this.
It is effective in that it opens a phase node between two worlds as it's a worm hole generator. I am tweaking it's target constraints though so it can target any planet. Any ideas for a secondary affect considering it's main purpose is as a worm hole generator?
I'm thinking through superweapons in general and may be making some overall tweaks especially in light of the ability to limit superweapons with Rebellion.
For rebellion, do you think an adaptation of this mod? (giant vessel for rogue? *__*)

Model/Texture by: SolCommand
Thank you again for you excellent work and if i don't disturb you with my opinion, i say you if i see a bug or if i have idea.
Sounds Great! Thanks Again!