I have had one now for more than a year and...
Well part of it is the fact that SSD's do not fragment. (no defragging necessary)
I have a 128Gb SSD. My boot times are more than twice as fast.
I put my Windows7 Home Premium OS and my programs on the SSD.
All of my pics, photos, game saves, movies, and any other "saved" files on my 2Tb hard drive.
The programs seem to start up and respond instantaneously.
(ie. Photoshop starts up super fast... then getting the artwork off of the 2Tb hard drive takes a second or two, but then working with the artwork blazes)
How difficult are they to install and make them your OS drive?
Is it a matter of simply installing it and installing windows on it and making it the first drive to boot?
It is as easy as any HD.
No, it does not have to be the first drive to boot, meaning you could have... let's say... your CDrom boot first if you wish. What you do need to do is make the SSD with your OS of choice your "primary".
Everyone is saying "for your OS" and I understand that at the price you wouldn't need it for storage. My questions are, where do you install your apps? On another drive? If so, how does this affect the speed? Is an OS on an SSD really that much faster?
I wouldn't know but, when I decided to go SSD, I thought of the same question. When I tried to find an answer... I figured instead of the least expensive small SSD just for an OS, why not speed up virtually everything. I ended up spending a few more dollars, but whoa man... the speed is craaaazy. no regrets.
Now when ever I am on a computer without a SSD, it just doesn't even compare. I'll never go back.