I was not in the beta but have been following the progress of Elemental for months now. It seemed to me that at the close of the beta (based solely on what I read on this forum), there were still a number of problems that were not resolved. For me, the only one that mattered was the weak AI. I understand from reading the dev journals that since the end of the beta, alot of attention has been given to the AI. My question to the devs is accordingly whether the release Elemental:
a. has a competent AI; and
b. has any gamebreaking gameplay bugs.
Both are subjective questions to an extent but I would leave it entirely to the dev(s) interpretation. If a dev(s) answer to a. is yes and b. is no, I will pre-order the limited edition. I have great respect for the Stardock devs and would be happy to take their word for it. If otherwise, I will delay my purchase to some time in the future when a properly patched Elemental is available (as I am certain the game will be given the devs record).
Look forward to having some feedback.