Just wanted to get people's opinions on a few topics involving Advent-related abilities / ships.
1) What are people's thoughts about Domina Subjugators?
I find them hard to use and to micro properly in the battle ball. And their healing skill seems underwhelming in comparison to overseers (250 hull points + armor buff) and hoshikos (all ships in range). Also does their healing skill stack?
2) For the Rapture ability Vertigo, how do you use the ability manually in an effective fashion?
I find if I try to target an enemy frigate in the area of effect, the ability doesn't trigger, it just sits there unused and the cooldown doesn't start. If I enable, then it fires. Isn't the effect supposed to be AoE for frigates and strikecraft? Meaning I target a frigate and the 'vertigo' blankets the area?
3) Is the Revelation ability Guidance useful at all? Is it an AoE or only single target?
To be honest I have never used it as I am always spamming Reverie on enemy caps.
4) Is there any context (single player or multiplayer) where there is a useful place for Martydom? Does it only damage ships or also enemy structures?
5) Any use for disciples' to use Steal Antimatter?
6) What are people's thoughts on Ruthlessness?
I know what it does but is it effective at all? Is it useful in conjunction with Malice?
7) What are people's thoughts regarding the weapon / shield / hull upgrades as opposed to getting more ships of the same type?
For the vasari the phase missile upgrades are a no brainer. But for Advent there is maybe more room for quibbling. Personally I don't touch the bombardment ones ever but usually in single player games max the beam ones (for bombers) and go to maybe 20% on the destra upgrades. On the other hand the hull / armor upgrades seem to really help end game against the AI. Yet since the last AI is invariably Vasari in all my games at cruel (unless there ios only one and I can kill him early which isn't easy some times), I forego any shield upgrade beyond getting guardians since any deaths are usually via phase missiles anyways.
8) What are people's preferences for bomber : fighter ratio early, mid, late game for either single player or MP? Just curious.
9) Any thoughts on how to use flak to best protect your Destras during big end game battles?
TK Push can only get you so far in big battles at the end of single player. While an amazing talent my carrier caps aren't always on top of my HCs. My caps are usually semi-stationary since their talents and weapons are longer in range and my guardians. I try to use hold position on my flak but they trail my HCs then. Should I put some flak in my 'cap' fleet and some in my HCs fleet and use hold position and tight formation for both? Thoughts?
10) Does Mass transcendence only preserve the intellects of capital ship crew that perished in a gravity well with the Mothership or anywhere on the map (i.e. separated at destruction)?