Tried it out and 'fraid I didn't like it. Your choices seem a bit random to tell the truth, and a bit overpowered. I don't remember the AoW races the way you've recreated them here. You might be better off creating entirely new custom races without any "baggage" so to speak. Especially since the models and textures are so limited at the moment.
Thank you for trying it out!!
This is version 0.1, I made it much for my own enjoyment because the Elemental factions are so incredibly boring. Yes, I need to do some more work... I will continue to improve balance and looks, and I assume more tools and unit models will be available in the future.
For example you can't change the scale of units right now, which makes it hard to create proper halflings, dwarfs and goblins...
Thanks for feedback! 
Wow an AOWer!
So happy to see that!
We need to get as many of the old AOWers here as we can
The Stranger, rogerRabid, swolte, anychance they are around?
I'd love to work on a mod with you guys!
They are still around at the AoW forums, some of them are lurking these forums too... I would say that in general, the AoW community (myself included) is not very impressed with Elemental at the moment. But who knows, if this game gets properly patched and more mod tools become available there might be more interest.